RECIPE: Oven baked cod with peppers and olives

Feed the entire family with this delicious fish dish


by Fiona Day |
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To peel the peppers, place them whole under a preheated grill until they blacken, turning occasionally, about 10-12 minutes.

Remove from the grill and place in a large bowl and cover with cling wrap (or a food bag) until the peppers cool. Then deseed and thinly slice.

For the tomato sauce, slice the shallots, fry until soft with a little coconut or olive oil in a saucepan, then add the brandy if using, cook off the alcohol Add the chopped garlic, being careful not to burn the garlic, then add the tomatopaste, then add the classic marinara pasta sauce and agave nectar cook for 5 minutes on a low heat

Heat a little oil in a large heavy-based frying pan, add the red onions and sauté until soft about 6 minutes. Then add the garlic, olives and peppers, cook for a further 2 minutes seasoning lightly with a little salt and pepper. Add tomato sauce and (capers, if using).

Preheat oven to gas mark 5, 190°C, (170°C fan-assisted). Warm sauce over a medium /heat.

In an oven proof dish pour in your tomato sauce, then add the cod to the ovenproof dish.

Cook for approximately 8-10 minutes.
 Garnish with fresh springs of Greek basil or fresh oregano.

(Recipe: Lisa Rouking. Image: David Munns)

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