Bring a pan of salted water to the boil. Cook broad beans with mint stalks (set aside leaves for later) for 3-4min. Drain and cool under cold running water. Pop beans out of their skins; discard skins and mint stalks.
Whiz beans in a processor with the mint leaves to a coarse texture. Gradually add oil. Transfer to a bowl, stir in the chilli, then season to taste with lemon juice, salt and freshly ground black pepper.
Heat a griddle pan. Brush bread slices with olive oil and griddle on each side until golden. Alternatively, toast the slices, without brushing with oil first. While the bread is still warm, rub with the cut side of the raw garlic clove. Set aside.
Spoon ricotta and bean purée into separate bowls. Arrange on a platter with the toast, parmesan, rocket and some olive oil for drizzling. Take to the table.
RECIPE: Broad Bean, Ricotta and Mint Bruschetta
Having friends or family over this weekend? Why not whip up this delicious snack with a little ricotta, broad beans and mint.

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