How much do you spend per week?
About £75 for myself and Alex. I’m on a diet plan for five days of the week, then at the weekend we go a bit rogue and eat out quite a lot.
Describe your daily diet…
In the morning, I either have porridge or a little pot of beans, sausage and potato that you stick in the microwave. Lunch will be a stir fry or rice and chicken curry, then in the evening some sort of meat with potatoes and vegetables. I like quite plain food. For snacks, I’m really into vegan cookies made from nut butter. My 12-week diet plan fits into our routine really well so I may continue with it, although I’ll give myself two weeks off at Christmas.
Strangest thing you’ve eaten?
On my 18th birthday we went to Shaka Zulu in London and I ate zebra, but I wouldn’t do that again.
What would you cook to impress?
I’d do scallops for the starter as they’re my absolute favourite, followed by fillet steak and dauphinoise potatoes, then my homemade sticky toffee pudding for dessert. I love cooking for people and that was one of the meals I cooked for my mum and stepdad recently. They loved it.

Food hangover cure?
We always have a Domino’s. Our favourite pizza order is the pepperoni and jalapeno stuffed crust.
NutritionistJuliette Kellow says, "Olivia seems to follow the 80:20 rule – eating healthily 80 pe rcent of the time and more relaxed for 20 per cent. It’s a balanced approach but to up her five-a-day, she could add fruit to her porridge or grilled tomatoes or spinach to her bean brekkie. She could also snack on veg sticks, a salad with egg or tuna, or top oatcakes with mashed avo to add extra nutrients and fibre to her diet."
Olivia has been following the Goal Getters powered by MuscleFood Super Slimmer plan. You can get a 5 day Super Slimmer plan for just £49.99 plus free delivery for a limited time at