Natasha Hamilton’s post-baby diet tips

Big Reunion star Natasha Hamilton opens up about losing her baby weight and learning to love her new body

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by Closer staff |
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Natasha Hamilton knows all too well how hard it can be to stick to healthy habits when you have young children – she’s busy juggling her pop career with being a mum to Josh, 12, Harry, 10, Alfie, four, and Ella, four months.

Natasha and 5IVE star Ritchie Neville, 35, welcomed baby Ella into the world in September, but thanks to an easy-to-follow diet and 20-minute home workout sessions, the Atomic Kitten singer is now back in her size 10 jeans.

Here she shares her low-stress weight loss tips for mums…


Natasha Hamilton diet tips

Start slowly1 of 7

Start slowly

Until you’ve been told by your doctor at your six-week postnatal checkup that it’s OK to gently start exercising, don’t even think about it! Those initial weeks are for bonding with your baby, not for stressing about weight loss. And, if you’re breastfeeding, you’ll most likely start losing weight naturally.

Avoid comparing yourself to other mums2 of 7

Avoid comparing yourself to other mums

You have to set realistic goals – you’re an individual with a different set of circumstances and you don’t know what other mums are doing to look the way they do.I dropped one dress size in three months and I know I’ll keep that weight off because I did it sensibly. It’s been a lifestyle change, rather than a quick fix. If I’d told myself I had to drop two dress sizes, it would have been unhealthy and too hard to stick to.

Focus on health, not diet food3 of 7

Focus on health, not diet food

’ve been trying to think more about what I’m putting into my body. I’ve been cutting back on starchy carbs like bread and pasta, and packing in nutrients by eating loads of veg, such as butternut squash and sweet potato.

Power walk with your baby4 of 7

Power walk with your baby

I take Ella out in her buggy as much as possible and I like to walk fast up the hill where we live. By the time I’m at the top my heart is really pumping – it’s a great workout for building strength and stamina, firming your arm and leg muscles and burning fat, too.

Use a slow cooker5 of 7

Use a slow cooker

I’m a huge fan of the slow cooker – it’s perfect for busy mums as you just pile in all the ingredients in in the morning and by the evening you have an amazing healthy casserole or a hearty soup. But buy double the amount you need, so you can have a meal and save time later by freezing a meal.

Get organised6 of 7

Get organised

Eating well is about being prepared. If you’re having loads of veg like I am, prepare it in the morning. Boil or roast the veg, then store in Tupperware boxes in the fridge, so when it’s time to make your salad or evening meal, you are literally taking it out of the fridge and putting it on the plate.On days when I’m not organised and come home starving with nothing pre prepared, I definitely end up eating things I shouldn’t!

Don't feel guilty7 of 7

Don't feel guilty

Even though I work out at home, somehow there’s always something more pressing to do. But don’t feel guilty about asking your partner or your mum to take the baby so you can spend some time on yourself. Ritchie will look after Ella for 20 minutes while I work out and that time is just for me, to close the door, put some music on and get rid of all that stress!

Get in shape this New Year with the Closer 30-day Flat Tummy Challenge. Pick up every issue of Closer in January for your weekly diet and exercise plan.

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