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The clever folks over at Sexual Astrology have revealed that our horoscopes can determine what we want and need when it comes to love. And it’s all scarily accurate…
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According to the folks at Sexual Astrology, Arians are very charming and almost impossible to resist - which means that you should have no trouble finding a lover!They add: “Arians are enthusiastic and adventurous lovers. They will always want to push to take their lovemaking to new plateaus [and] love to experiment.” We guess you might want to check out the Karma Sutra, stat!
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Deeply romantic and VERY loyal, Taureans - according to Sexual Astrology - will do whatever they can to keep their lover happy - and are more likely to forge long-lasting relationships.When it comes to sex, they are “straightforward and down-to-earth” - so we imagine you prefer to stick to your tried-and-tested positions wherever possible.
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Geminis value intelligence over looks, so are always on the lookout for an articulate, witty, eloquent, and adventurous lover.Sexual Astrology continues to explain that, however, Geminis are more likely to have affairs - and are quite divorce prone.They say: “Geminis are exciting companions who crave excitement and variety, [and] they assume they will be able to easily smooth over troubled waters with their silver tongue.”Their love of adventure means they are always willing to experiment in the bedroom.
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Cancers are apparently one of the most nurturing zodiac signs, who are seeking a stable partner who will accept them for what they are.However, Sexual Astrology explains, they can become a little too possessive.They say: “While not domineering, they can become very jealous lovers when they feel insecure [and] can be deeply wounded if the one they care for betrays their trust (which is never given lightly).”They prefer sensual lovemaking, with plenty of foreplay and eye contact.
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Leos are faithful, fun-loving partners - and very romantic. Hurrah!Sexual Astrology says: “Overall, the Leo will prove to be a wonderful mate. Their love of children makes them a natural parent. “They are generous, warm and truly want the best for everyone. Their loyalty and sense of honour makes it unlikely they will be indiscrete.”Apparently Leos don’t enjoy trying new things in the bedroom, tending to stick to what they know - but a clever lover can tempt them to give something a go. Once they discover it’s fun, they’ll be all over it.
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Virgos find it hard to trust, and hard to open up to anyone, but, when they do, things get VERY passionate.Sexual Astrology says: “Anyone who wishes to get to know them deeply must be prepared to persevere, in which case they will prove a lifelong … lover.”Devoted lovers, they will do anything to make their chosen one happy - leading to VERY passionate bedroom scenes. Trust us.
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Librans, according to Sexual Astrology, “love the home and marriage” and are always happiest spending time with their families.These romantic types can often let their relationship become their entire identity, and need plenty of attention from their lover.And, being co-operative, imaginative and willing to experiment with all manner of relationship styles, they’re always up for experimenting in the bedroom… so long as it’s with someone they truly love.
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Scorpios are emotional and mysterious types, who “ooze sexual excitement and require a partner who can keep up with their marvellous capacity for taking everything to the limit and far beyond”.Sexual Astrology continues: “Their biggest problem is finding someone who, while strong enough to maintain a tempestuous lifestyle, is interesting enough to remain a challenge. “Once they find the right person they will mate for life.”
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Sagittarians are very honest - sometimes TOO honest - and have a strong need for independence. Which means that, yes, they do hate to be tied down for too long to anyone.Sexual Astrology says: “As long as their partner is able to keep up with their wide-ranging interests and is prepared to come up with new experiments in lovemaking (and certainly does not mind them doing the same), their relationship will be exciting and reasonably long lasting.”Yup, you heard them - experiments in lovemaking. Maybe you might want to try a little al fresco romance?
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Sexual Astrology say that Capricorns are loyal lovers - and very explosive in the bedroom.Oh yes.They explain: “When the curtain is lifted, the passion flows like lava from an erupting volcano. Indeed, when they are sure of their ground, they delight in living up to the randy reputation of the Goat.”Wow. Throw in the fact that they make wonderful spouses and parents, and you have a recipe for success.
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Aquarians are, unlike others, NOT the jealous type - and are looking for someone ‘unconventional’ (in mind and body) to bond with for life.Sexual Astrology says: “They can be very playful and attentive lovers and will put a great deal of energy into satisfying their partners. “Aquarians are open to all forms of experimentation.”Get to it, Aquarians.
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Pisceans, according to Sexual Astrology, suffer from a fear of rejection and low self-esteem… which means that they can often “become the victims of domineering and uncaring partners”.The experts continue: “There is no more loyal and caring lover than a Piscean, but their need for emotional and sensual reassurance sometimes leads to flirtations. “Pisceans are the most loving and giving of the signs, their ability to select an inappropriate partner is legendary. “In the right relationship, their sexuality will blossom and become something of an art form, especially as they get a little older, more experienced and more confident.”
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