What is a thigh brow?
A ‘thigh brow’ is (apparently) the point where your thighs meet your hips. When sitting or kneeling the thighs fold into a crease that has now been dubbed as a ‘thigh brow’.
Why is it suddenly EVERYWHERE?
The Kardashians have thrusted the thigh brow into the mainstream with their flurry of revealing bikini and swimsuit selfies.
Khloe and Kendall Jenner were snapped on a yacht showing off their ‘thigh brows’, posing to maximise their booty/thigh creases.
How do I get a thigh brow?
For most people, achieving the perfect thigh brow is simply down to perfecting the right stance.
Whilst sitting, make sure your knees are slightly above hip level, stick your bottom out and pull your shoulders back. This pulls your hips in and your thighs upwards, creating an Instagram-worthy crease that even the Kardashians will lust after.
What else can I do?
In order to boost your ‘thigh brow’, you can do some simple exercises to tone your hips and thighs.
Exercises such as squats, dead lifts and lunges are fabulous for firming up your lower half.
Check out this amazing workout below
Add in some ab exercises to tone the area above your hips and you’ll be ready for those high waisted swim suits.
Try out this set of ab exercises for yourself