How to get a flat stomach! Your fitness plan for Closer’s 30 Day Challenge: Week 4

Get dream abs like Lucy Mecklenburgh with Closer's 30 day flat tummy challenge fitness plan!


by Closer staff |
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Our 30-day workout plan is devised to help you blitz that belly, fast. If you’ve been following our workouts for the last three weeks, you will have already improved your fitness and gained tummy tone – now it’s time for the final push. The last eight days of the plan are below, along with expert video tutorials in association with LA Fitness. Don’t forget to warm up and cool down safely.

**Day 1 – 30 min core plan (see below) **

Day 2 – Quick fix workout (see below)

**Day 3 – 30 min core plan **

**Day 4 - Quick fix workout **

Day 5 - 30 min high intensity gym class or 30 min core plan

Day 6 - Quick fix workout

Day 7 – Rest!

Day 8 – 30 min core plan


The Core Plan

Start with the first exercise in the list below, and do as many repetitions as you can in 30 seconds. Rest for five seconds, then do as many as you can in 20 seconds. Rest for five seconds and do as many as you can in 10 seconds. Repeat this for each exercise on the list, and do the whole circuit three times.

Twist Jumps

Stand with your feet together and point your toes to the left. Jump off the floor, twist at your waist and land with your feet pointing to the right. Repeat, starting with your toes pointing to the left, and continue to alternate. When jumping, aim to keep the jumps as low as possible to make it challenging.

Tuck Jump
Tuck Jump

Leg Extensions

Lie on your back with your knees at 90 degrees and arms beside your body. Raise your upper back slightly off the floor and point your chin towards the ceiling. Extend both legs out as low to the floor as possible, whilst keeping the lower back pressed into the floor, then bring back to start position and repeat. If you want to make it harder, as you extend your legs out, put both hands above your head. As you return your legs to the start position, bring your hands to your knees.

Leg extensions

Wood Chops (left to right)

Start with your feet slightly wider than hip width apart. Hold a filled water bottle (whatever size you feel comfortable with) in both hands and lean over to one side, lowering your hands towards your left ankle. Stand up straight and, keeping your arms straight, rotate your body, lifting your hands up and over the opposite shoulder. This week, make the exercise more challenging by filling the bottle with more water.

Wood chops

Wood Chops (right to left)

Start with your feet slightly wider than hip width apart. Hold a filled water bottle (whatever size you feel comfortable with) in both hands and lean over to one side, lowering your hands towards your right ankle. Stand up straight and, keeping your arms straight, rotate your body, lifting your hands up and over the opposite shoulder. This week, make the exercise more challenging by filling the bottle with more water.

Wood chops

Mountain Climbers

Start in the plank position. Keeping your body in a straight line, bring one knee towards your elbow. Return to start position and change legs. This week, instead of springing the leg changes, slow the movement right down.

Mountain climbers

The Quick Fix Workout

Do each of the exercises below for 60 seconds, or as close to that as you can manage. Once you’ve done every exercise, rest for 30 seconds, then repeat the circuit. Rest again, then repeat a third time.

Jump kicks

Keep your knees slightly bent and extend your left leg out in front of you in a kicking movement. As your left leg returns to the floor, kick out your right leg. Alternate, jumping from one leg to the other.

Overhead tilt (holding weights or water bottles)

Stretch your arms upwards whilst holding a light weight or water bottle. Tilt towards the right handside so your left handside is stretched out and make small, localised movements

**Mountain climbers **

Start in the plank position. Keeping your body in a straight line, bring one knee towards your elbow. Return to start position and change legs.

Full sit up to standing (holding weights or water bottles)

Lie straight on your back with your arms by your sides. Pull your belly button in so your upper and lower back is flat on the floor to avoid injury. Slowly lift your chest upwards, pulling yourself to full sit up position, then use one hand to help lift yourself up to stand. Keep your neck straight to avoid injury.

Tuck jumps

Stand straight with your shoulders back and jump up, tucking your knees into your chest. Land softly on your knees to avoid injury.

Spiderman plank

Start in a plank position, with your forearms resting on the floor and your body straight. Bring your right knee towards your right elbow, then return to start position. Repeat with your left knee.

Jumping lunges

Move your right foot in front of your left foot, keeping your foot under your knee and your legs inline with your hips. Jump to switch legs, keeping your back straight and using your arms for balance.

Double leg extension

Lie on your back with your knees at 90 degrees and arms beside your body. Raise your upper back slightly off the floor and point your chin towards the ceiling. Extend both legs out as low to the floor as possible, whilst keeping the lower back pressed into the floor, then bring back to start position and repeat.

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