The book’s become a global bestseller and everyone from the Victoria's Secret Angels to Kate Middy is a fan –but is the Dukan diet actually safe? While it is championed as a low-stress and low-effort way of losing weight (and developed by a doctor no less), the diet been getting a bad rap – in fact even Taylor Swift has seen better days…
Closer investigates whether the Dukan diet is a healthy lifestyle change that will get you feeling your best for wedding/bikini/barbeque season or if it’s just another fad diet that you should avoid like Tesco on a Saturday morning.

Remind me, what is the dukan diet?
The Dukan diet is basically eating less carbs and more protein. It is supposed to help you lose weight and keep it off long-term. Win win? The diet is broken down into four stages: attack, cruise, consolidation and stabilisation. Have a look at our guide and Dukan diet recipesfor more information on the different phases.
What are the Pros?
**You are less hungry! **
Protein-rich foods fill you meaning you won’t get those dreaded hunger pangs at 4pm. As protein is harder for your body to digest, you also burn calories in the process (you burn calories from eating bacon?! Is this real life!?!)
No calorie counting!
On the Dukan diet you just follow the set plan meaning you don’t have to worry about counting calories. And because the diet is more focused on what you eat rather than how much you eat, you’re also less likely to feel hungry, which is perfect for those who struggle with tiny portions.
Interesting! What about the cons?
**Dieticians are not convinced **
Eat as much as you want and still lose weight? Sounds too good to be true right? Many health practitioners agree and have spoken out against the controversial diet. In fact, in 2012 the British Dietetic Association called the Dukan diet the number one celebrity diet to avoid for three years in a row (2010, 2011 and 2012).
Why? Because it’s so restrictive. Even though the Dukan diet attack phase is designed to be used only for a short time to kick-start weight loss, it can still cause issues. Cutting out entire food groups doesn’t help you get a healthy balance of vitamins and nutrients. For example, you miss out on calcium and vitamin D from dairy for the first two phases, as well as fibre from wholegrains.
It can leave you with side effects (gulp)
The most common side effects Dukan dieters report are feeling listless and tired, bad breath and constipation.
There are also health concerns associated with protein-rich diets in general. Research has suggested that eating a lot of protein increases your chances of getting kidney diseases.
It can be awkward at family meal times
Cutting out entire food groups means that it’s hard for you to eat the same as the rest of your family. This unfortunately means more time spent in the kitchen cooking rather than watching the latest episode of TOWIE and enjoying much needed ‘me’ time. And of course, if you’re partner is tucking into a bowl of creamy spaghetti Carbonara right beside you it will definitely make you want to shove a fork into your eye (and his!)
Final verdict: our Dukan diet review
Dr Dukan remains a controversial figure. He lost his medical license in 2014 for promoting and profiting from his diet. He’s also ruffled plenty of feathers by suggesting that school students should earn extra marks by staying at a ‘healthy’ weight.
If you’re following the steps and keeping to the timelines suggested, you’re unlikely to cause yourself any long-term damage with the Dukan diet. However, you’ll still need to take vitamin supplements for your body to get what it needs. Check with your doctor if you have any health issues before starting.
Another important factor to consider before starting is whether it’s worth it. The NHS has reported that most people have found that it doesn’t help them keep the weight off in the long run. 48% of survey respondents said they had regained the weight they lost on the diet within a year, which shoots up to 80% over a period of more than four years.
Here at Closer we are a big believer in balance and everything in moderation. You have heard it all before but exercising more and eating wholesome, healthy meals really does work. It’s a lot easier than juice diets, bread banning and calorie counting that’s for sure!