Dramatic transformation: Woman loses six stone after cutting out energy drinks

Jade Wimsey’s energy drink addiction - which cost her over £11,000 - saw her balloon to a size 20

Dramatic transformation: Woman loses six stone after cutting out energy drinks

by Kayleigh Dray |
Published on

Jade used to down up to seven energy drinks in a single day – which wound up totalling over 1,540 calories.

“I never associated energy drinks with gaining weight"

Her addiction saw her balloon to 17 stone and 6.5lbs and a size 20, not to mention the fact it also cost her a cool £11,000 in just four years.

Speaking with News Dog Media, Jade explained that her addiction began when she left home to start university.

She said: “I never associated energy drinks with gaining weight. I didn’t really consider the hidden calorie or sugar content in them.

“In fact, some energy drinks brands say the beverage speeds up your metabolism so I figured it was alright for me!"

By the age of 22, Jade’s weight had crept up to size 20 and her shape was affecting her confidence.

Via News Dog Media
Via News Dog Media

“I resigned myself to being the ‘fat one’ in my group of slim friends. I didn’t like going out because I felt uncomfortable in clothes and I couldn’t find anything that fitted me.

“The final straw was when I came across someone’s cruel Facebook status about me ‘never having my head out of the fridge’.

“I was hurt but I decided that I was going to make changes in my life so that nobody could ever make me feel that way again.”

The awful incident forced Jade to face her weight gain head-on. And, in September 2013, she began a healthy diet and cut out energy drinks- for good.

“Quitting was difficult at first, I experienced a dip in energy and waking up in the morning without my normal kick was tough"

She said: “From the get-go, I decided I would go cold turkey on energy drinks.

“Quitting was difficult at first, I experienced a dip in energy and waking up in the morning without my normal kick was tough.

“But I found ways to cope with the withdrawal symptoms. For instance, I would keep a few healthy snacks with me when I was working a long shift at the bar so I wouldn’t turn to a can.”

Via News Dog Media

And it worked - the pounds soon started falling away and, in January this year, the 24-year-old reached her goal weight of 11 stone and 6.5 lbs.

Now a healthy size 12, she said happily: “I feel like myself again. I actually want to go out and socialize now whereas before I’d think of any excuse to stay at home.

“I get drinks bought for me when I’m working at the bar now too!”

You can follow Jade’s weight loss journey over at her blog - she shares plenty of healthy eating and fitness tips!

Did you know energy drinks were full of empty calories? Let us know via the comments box below now.

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