Davina McCall has admitted that she is a sugar addict. And chances are so are you.
Do you crave sweets during the day? Do you get regular headaches and fall into fatigued slumps throughout the day? Do you crave Mars bars at 4’o clock on the dot?
If so then you’re not alone.
With sugar now an all-to-regular feature in our diet, our health is now suffering. Too much sugar can make your blood-sugar levels spike, leading to an inevitable crash just a couple of hours later. Overdoing it with the sugar can also wreck havoc with our health by leading us to pile on the pounds and damage our teeth, along with increasing the risk of developing conditions such as diabetes.
Cutting down on sugar doesn't just involve ditching the chocolates and Haribos. Sugar is present in many everyday foods and passes our lips without us noticing. Food such as white bread and ready made sauces can simply be swapped for homemade salsas and dips as well as brown, wholemeal bread to help cut down on your sugar intake.
A sugar-free diet may seem impossible to achieve in our hectic modern lifestyles, but TV presenter Davina McCall has proved that it IS possible.
She says: “I now focus on swapping nutrient-light junk foods, which are full of empty calories and do no good, for nutrient-dense foods which are packed with goodness. Sounds comlicated but it's really not. If you want to look and feel your best, you just have to feed your body the right things and make good choices.
"Some of the converts to a no-sugar diet have even said that they have fewer wrinkles and spots since giving it up- WOW! Sugar is a problem now because we're eating way to much. We don't need it!"
In her new book ‘Davina’s 5 Weeks To Sugar-Free’, she helps readers lead a healthier life with less sugar.
“This is not a weight loss diet as such, but it will keep you trim because you won’t be taking in empty calories in the form of sweeties and processed food,” explains Davina.
The mum-of-three has now created a 5-week sugar-free diet introductionary plan so you too can reap the benefits of a life with less sugar (and more sweetness!).
Check out Davina McCall's amazing sugar-free recipe!
Davina McCall sugar free recipes

RECIPE: Sugar-free cherry clapfoutis
“I wasn’t sure about including a clafoutis recipe but my girlfriends were all shocked, saying ‘What kind of French person are you? You have to have a clafoutis.’ So I did, and they were right – it is amazing.”

RECIPE: Poached eggs with avocado on toast
"This is one of my very favourite things. For years I didn’t do poached eggs because I couldn’t understand the whole whirlpool thing but now – can’t stop me."You need to stir frantically to make a swirling vortex of water, then drop your egg in very quickly. You’ll think it’s all going wrong but it isn’t. Trust me – I’m a presenter. Use really fresh eggs cold from the fridge for best results. If they’re cold the whites will be firmer."

RECIPE: Sugar-free cauliflower cheese
"I make my cheese sauce with wholemeal spelt flour now, which makes a slightly speckly-looking mixture but tastes absolutely delicious."

RECIPE: Sugar-free cherry clapfoutis
“I wasn’t sure about including a clafoutis recipe but my girlfriends were all shocked, saying ‘What kind of French person are you? You have to have a clafoutis.’ So I did, and they were right – it is amazing.”

Buy Davina's new cook book HERE
And discover more fabulous sugar-free recipes!