Fridge raider: Danielle Lloyd shares her food secrets

TV star and mum-of-five Danielle Lloyd, 41, tells us what’s in her festive fridge

Danielle LLoyd and her fridge

by Neeru Sharma |
Updated on

Where do you do your Christmas shop?

I get it all from M&S, I do a big pre-order for the whole spread in advance in November to make sure I have everything in. I spend at least £350.

What do you eat on the day itself?

We wake up and have a glass of Champagne, and I’ll lay on sausage or bacon sandwiches for breakfast. While the kids are playing with their presents, I start prepping. Michael will help me if I need him to, but I like to be in charge and serve dinner around 2pm. For starters, I lay out party food from M&S, the kids love the little samosas, pigs in blankets, mini quiches and chicken lollipops, it’s all handy for when people arrive. For Christmas lunch, I’ll do a leg of lamb as well as turkey, the kids love gammon, and we’ll do a beef joint! We’re that family that can’t decide on one meat, so we have to have them all. We have all the trimmings – parsnips, carrots, Brussels and potatoes covered in goose fat to make them crispy.

Danielle Lloyd's Christmas fridge
Take a peak inside Danielle's fridge this Christmas ©Marco Vittur

What about dessert?

I like a Christmas pudding, or a mince pie after lunch, whereas Michael likes a cheesecake – my sister-in-law makes a great butterscotch one. We’re not massive on sweets in our house, but we love cake, and you’ve got to have a chocolate log!

Post-dinner nibbles?

If anyone is peckish later, we’ll start making loaded sandwiches with the meats and stuffing layered in.


• Lamb joint

• Turkey

• Gammon joint

• Beef joint

• Carrots

• Parnsips

• Stuffing

• Pigs in blankets

• Brussels sprouts

• Goose fat

• Mint sauce

• Cranberry sauce

• Cheesecake

• Chocolate fudge cake

• Chocolate log

• Rose

• Baileys

• Champagne

• Red cabbage

• Mince pies


A plate of red cabbage
Red cabbage? Yes please! ©Shutterstock


I absolutely love red cabbage, it’s such a strong, sweet flavour.


Danielle loves a leftover curry ©Shutterstock


The lamb tastes better the next day, so I throw all the extra pieces into a spicy curry and serve it with rice.


But bread sauce is a no-go! ©Shutterstock


I’ve never liked it, it has no place on a roast!

We spoke to Danielle at the shoot of entertainment show ‘Getting Lippy’, presented by Slingo. Follow @GettingLippyTV on Instagram & Facebook to view the episode.

WATCH: Danielle Lloyd on the moment she realised husband Michael was The One | My First Times

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