Everyone’s favourite birthday cake is Colin the Caterpillar from Marks & Spencers (don’t deny it, we know you secretly enjoy seeing Colin appear, even when you’re too old for a birthday cake).
And for years, Colin has enjoyed partying with many British families, such as The Beckhams.
And even partied with Boris Johnson!
But now, Colin has finally settled down with the beautiful Connie.
Connie the Caterpillar is an all butter chocolate sponge roll filled with strawberry flavoured buttercream, topped with sugar love hearts.
Her strapline is “she is what she eats” – which does sound slightly strange – but in fact, it’s because Connie loves eating strawberries.
And she has cute pink trainers, a matching pink bow and pink lips, which are surely part of what attracted Colin, right?
M&S sources confirmed the pair are now officially dating, and that they have been spotted side by side on shelves at the food store.
"Colin has been looking for love for a long time and she's definitely the one - he's smitten!" the source revealed.
However, the question is, is Connie the mother of the mini Colin’s?

We're waiting to hear confirmation from sources if this easy-on-the-eye couple are in fact parents...
We can’t wait to see Connie make her appearance at our next celebration!
Both Colin and Connie can be found in M&S stores now, for £7.
Read more:
You can now get Colin and Connie the Caterpillar wedding cakes!