This week the 26-year-old confirmed he has met with the producers of the new Star Wars film (the seventh of the franchise) to discuss a possible role.
'I just went and met with them,' confirmed Efron, adding: 'So I don't know. It would be cool. I love them [the Star Wars films], but...who knows?'
To date several high profile actors have been linked to the new installment, including British actors Michael Fassbender, Simon Pegg and Benedict Cumberbatch, but none have been officially confirmed.
However the producers have hinted that the stars of the original trilogy, Mark Hamill (Luke Sywalker), Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia0 and Harrison Ford (Han Solo) are expected to appear in some capacity.
Excitement has been building for the new installment, due out at the end of 2015, as die-hard fans of the films hanker after new announcements from Disney.
We don't know about you, but we're rooting for Zac!