Want to see the stunning homes of the Beckhams, Kimye and the Jolie-Pitts? We take a look inside the most lavish celebrity houses

Following the news that the Beckhams have re-located to a £40 million four storey London mansion - complete with underground garage, secret staff tunnels, a salon, gym, and massage room – we go through the keyhole of some of the most desirable homes in showbiz.

by Abi Hooper |
Published on

Want to see the stunning homes of the Beckhams, Kimye and the Jolie-Pitts? We take a look inside the most lavish celebrity houses

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Hall6 of 78


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Doggie-house12 of 78


Games-room13 of 78


Kitchen14 of 78


TaylorSwift115 of 78


TaylorSwift216 of 78


TaylorSwift317 of 78


TaylorSwift418 of 78


PittJolie19 of 78


PittJolie220 of 78


PittJolie321 of 78


Lawn22 of 78


Bedroom23 of 78


Front-room24 of 78


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6 months will give you a healthy amount of time to prepare for a marathon. Start off gradually and gauge your fitness with a series of short jogs. Work your way up by miles and as your stamina increases start working on your time.28 of 78

6 months will give you a healthy amount of time to prepare for a marathon. Start off gradually and gauge your fitness with a series of short jogs. Work your way up by miles and as your stamina increases start working on your time.

6 months will give you a healthy amount of time to prepare for a marathon. Start off gradually and gauge your fitness with a series of short jogs. Work your way up by miles and as your stamina increases start working on your time

Make sure you fork out for some good running shoes. Specialist running shops can help you pick out a pair that will provide adequate support. Grabbing a pair of running shoes are extremely important in order to avoid getting injured whilst you train.29 of 78

Make sure you fork out for some good running shoes. Specialist running shops can help you pick out a pair that will provide adequate support. Grabbing a pair of running shoes are extremely important in order to avoid getting injured whilst you train.

Make sure you fork out for some good running shoes. Specialist running shops can help you pick out a pair that will provide adequate support. Grabbing a pair of running shoes are extremely important in order to avoid getting injured whilst you train

Try to set yourself realistic goals as you train. Aim to be able to run X amount of miles after Y amount of training. Make sure you leave time between training sessions for your muscles to recover and rebuild.30 of 78

Try to set yourself realistic goals as you train. Aim to be able to run X amount of miles after Y amount of training. Make sure you leave time between training sessions for your muscles to recover and rebuild.

Try to set yourself realistic goals as you train. Aim to be able to run X amount of miles after Y amount of training. Make sure you leave time between training sessions for your muscles to recover and rebuild

Drink lots of water, obviously, but make sure you donu2019t disregard the benefits that come with drinking sports drinks. Not only do they rehydrate you, but they replace energy and help keep you going as you clock up the miles.31 of 78

Drink lots of water, obviously, but make sure you don’t disregard the benefits that come with drinking sports drinks. Not only do they rehydrate you, but they replace energy and help keep you going as you clock up the miles.

Drink lots of water, obviously, but make sure you don’t disregard the benefits that come with drinking sports drinks. Not only do they rehydrate you, but they replace energy and help keep you going as you clock up the miles

Make sure you take plenty of protein, especially after a lengthy marathon run. Eggs, lean chicken and turkey breast are all good go-to ingredients for a healthy (and delicious) protein filled snack.32 of 78

Make sure you take plenty of protein, especially after a lengthy marathon run. Eggs, lean chicken and turkey breast are all good go-to ingredients for a healthy (and delicious) protein filled snack.

Make sure you take plenty of protein, especially after a lengthy marathon run. Eggs, lean chicken and turkey breast are all good go-to ingredients for a healthy (and delicious) protein filled snack

Got your marathon outfit all set? Great! Now make sure you try it out and wear it whilst running for a few miles. The last thing you need is a split pair of running pants of a chaffing sports bra!33 of 78

Got your marathon outfit all set? Great! Now make sure you try it out and wear it whilst running for a few miles. The last thing you need is a split pair of running pants of a chaffing sports bra!

Got your marathon outfit all set? Great! Now make sure you try it out and wear it whilst running for a few miles

If possible, try to time your runs at around the same time as your marathon starts. This will set your body clock accordingly and help prepare your body to be ready at the right time.34 of 78

If possible, try to time your runs at around the same time as your marathon starts. This will set your body clock accordingly and help prepare your body to be ready at the right time.

If possible, try to time your runs at around the same time as your marathon starts. This will set your body clock accordingly and help prepare your body to be ready at the right time

Have a look at what sort of terrain youu2019ll be running on. If youu2019re running a marathon involving lots of hills then try and train on similar style routes. If youu2019re running a marathon on flatter ground, bear in mind that individual muscles might have to work even harder as thereu2019s no variation- so make sure you prepare for this!35 of 78

Have a look at what sort of terrain you’ll be running on. If you’re running a marathon involving lots of hills then try and train on similar style routes. If you’re running a marathon on flatter ground, bear in mind that individual muscles might have to work even harder as there’s no variation- so make sure you prepare for this!


Try not to complete long runs in the days before the marathon as your body will need to be at peak condition for the race. During the week before the marathon complete shorter runs and make them shorter as you edge closer to race day.36 of 78

Try not to complete long runs in the days before the marathon as your body will need to be at peak condition for the race. During the week before the marathon complete shorter runs and make them shorter as you edge closer to race day.

Try not to complete long runs in the days before the marathon as your body will need to be at peak condition for the race. During the week before the marathon complete shorter runs and make them shorter as you edge closer to race day

Make sure you carry a bottle of water with you at all times in the days before the race. You want to make sure your hydrated and ready to run the morning of the race- and dehydration is the last thing you need!37 of 78

Make sure you carry a bottle of water with you at all times in the days before the race. You want to make sure your hydrated and ready to run the morning of the race- and dehydration is the last thing you need!

Make sure you carry a bottle of water with you at all times in the days before the race

In the weeks leading up to the marathon make sure you eat plenty of good carbohydrates- so things like whole-wheat pasta, new potatoes and wholemeal bread. You will need all the energy that you can get!38 of 78

In the weeks leading up to the marathon make sure you eat plenty of good carbohydrates- so things like whole-wheat pasta, new potatoes and wholemeal bread. You will need all the energy that you can get!

In the weeks leading up to the marathon make sure you eat plenty of good carbohydrates- so things like whole-wheat pasta, new potatoes and wholemeal bread

Pre-race nerves can mean getting a good nights sleep before a marathon can be difficult. Try and have a chilled out evening before hand: take a relaxing bath, watch a movie and go to bed early. Make sure you set your alarm nice and early for the big day ahead, too.39 of 78

Pre-race nerves can mean getting a good nights sleep before a marathon can be difficult. Try and have a chilled out evening before hand: take a relaxing bath, watch a movie and go to bed early. Make sure you set your alarm nice and early for the big day ahead, too.

Pre-race nerves can mean getting a good nights sleep before a marathon can be difficult. Try and have a chilled out evening before hand: take a relaxing bath, watch a movie and go to bed early. Make sure you set your alarm nice and early for the big day ahead, too

Itu2019s vital that you stretch and warm up before running, but before the marathon make sure you donu2019t use TOO much energy on a vigorous warm up- you have to conserve your energy.40 of 78

It’s vital that you stretch and warm up before running, but before the marathon make sure you don’t use TOO much energy on a vigorous warm up- you have to conserve your energy.

It’s vital that you stretch and warm up before running, but before the marathon make sure you don’t use TOO much energy on a vigorous warm up- you have to conserve your energy

Invite your friends and family along as spectators. When you hit a wall, the support of your loved ones can never be more valuable.41 of 78

Invite your friends and family along as spectators. When you hit a wall, the support of your loved ones can never be more valuable.

Invite your friends and family along as spectators. When you hit a wall, the support of your loved ones can never be more valuable

During the race, talk to yourself... and encourage yourself. Running can be a solitary activity- and you wonu2019t seem bonkers we promise! Make sure you charge your iPod before race day and stock up on some motivational tracks to see you through the race.42 of 78

During the race, talk to yourself... and encourage yourself. Running can be a solitary activity- and you won’t seem bonkers we promise! Make sure you charge your iPod before race day and stock up on some motivational tracks to see you through the race.


Take some time out before the race to reflect. Focus on the reason why youu2019re running and take into account all the hours of training and hard work itu2019s taken to reach the starting line.43 of 78

Take some time out before the race to reflect. Focus on the reason why you’re running and take into account all the hours of training and hard work it’s taken to reach the starting line.

Take some time out before the race to reflect. Focus on the reason why you’re running and take into account all the hours of training and hard work it’s taken to reach the starting line

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Garden276 of 78


Staircase77 of 78


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