VIDEO: Closer’s pregnancy blogger Suzanne Shaw reveals her due date!

Read Suzanne Shaw's exclusive Closer Online pregnancy blog; have you experienced any of her awkward pregnancy symptoms?


by Fiona Day |
Published on

After last week's wake-up-call, I haven't done that bad a job of sticking to a healthy eating and exercise plan.

I've been cooking up healthy meals like this salmon and vegetable dish.

Salmon is a great dish for pregnant ladies

It's a great source of omega 3 for me and my baby. I've been exchanging sweet snacks for my new found love of oranges and I've been doing my dog/jog/walk and 20 mins a day of Pilates... Well, I'll be honest with you, every other day- I need to ease myself in!

Although I know it's good for me to keep active and I feel so much better after, I'm really surprised with the lack of breath I have. It's something that seems to have happened overnight!

It's shocked me that I've only been able to do a fraction of what I'm capable of/normally do. I know I've not done much recently but to get out of breath just taking shopping bags from my car to my front door- feels like I've done a 60-minute workout!

So because of this, I did a little research to see if I've suddenly become really unfit or it was pregnancy related.

Thank the Lord it's all because of my growing baby!

Apparently the growing baby presses against your lungs causing you to be short of breath. It's funny because it really does feel like there's not enough room for my baby and lungs - and let's not even talk about the bladder...

Yep, there have been a few close calls there! I definitely must keep up the Pilates!!!

I've also been suffering with bleeding gums for quite some time now. Not sure if anyone else out there has suffered with this during pregnancy?

It doesn't seem very common. They say it's due to your hormone levels being high. I have to say, flossing isn't pleasant; it looks like I've been in a fight!

This weekend my family and I went to support a charity event that my good friend Richard Mylan is an ambassador for - Awareness for Autism. It's such a brilliant charity that's parental run, dedicated to supporting and helping other families affected by Autism - @autism_daly.

The boys were great sports!

Sam, my Fiancé, played in the football match and Corey was his mascot. Too cute!

I was impressed with Sam's skills on the pitch; first time I've ever seen him play!

However, his team didn't win - they went into penalties after drawing 4-4, then actor Angus Deayton won the match scoring the final penalty, which I missed because I was on my 10th toilet run of the day!

The whole family had a great day

It was such a great day and the evening event was perfect. They made it so family-friendly and Corey loved it too! (No moaning about going home every 5 minutes!) We even won on the raffle!

I met a fellow Emmerdaler there too. Jamie Shelton who played Robbie Lawson. Get this... It turns out his girlfriend is due on the same day as me, 3rd Oct!!!

After such a lovely weekend with my boys, Sam surprised me with a new watch! I've had my eye on the Daniel Wellington range for a while and he got us matching ones for our 1-year engagement anniversary.

Suzanne and Sam celebrated their 1-year anniversary

I'm a lucky girl.

See you next week- check out my Vlog below!

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