Langham, who had a successful TV career for 30 years, was jailed for almost a year after he was charged with downloading paedophilic material.
And now the 66-year-old father of five has said it was his arrogance and ego that led him to do it, claiming that he was looking at the photographs as research for a comedy series.

‘I have completely f***ed up my own life, It wasn’t circumstances. I’m not blaming it on anything or anybody.’
During his defence eight years ago, Langham said he was looking at the material for a piece on psychotherapy, named Help!, but now admits his decision to download it was: ‘foolish. And ultimately selfish, Arrogant.’
Chris’s hard drive was found to contain 15 incriminating videos, including pieces that contained Level Five child abuse - the most severe.
During his trial, one jury member was so upset by the footage they were physically ill.
In an inteview with the Independent, Chris says he is focused not on changing public perception of him, but of trying to do something good.
'As a result of going through the criminal justice system, I have ended up doing a lot of work on myself and trying to be a better person. Isn’t that what is supposed to happen?'