The 58-year-old actress has revealed that doctors found the disease after she asked for a second opinion on her annual mammogram scans, which initially came back as all clear.
She told People: “A friend who had had breast cancer suggested I get a second opinion on my pathology and my gut told me that was the thing to do. A different pathologist found invasive lobular carcinoma.
“His diagnosis of cancer was confirmed by, yet, another pathologist. I share this to educate others that a second opinion is critical to your health.
"I feel blessed to have a loving, supportive husband, family, friends and doctors"
“You have nothing to lose if both opinions match up for the good, and everything to gain if something that was missed is found, which does happen. Early diagnosis is key.”
Explaining that she had Tom Hanks - her husband of over twenty years - at her side throughout, Rita Wilson continued: "[So] Last week, with my husband by my side, and with the love and support of family and friends, I underwent a bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction for breast cancer.
“I am recovering and most importantly, expected to make a full recovery. Why? Because I caught this early, have excellent doctors and because I got a second opinion.”

"I feel blessed to have a loving, supportive husband, family, friends and doctors and that I am the beneficiary of advances in the field of breast cancer and reconstruction.
“I am getting better every day and look forward to renewed health... I hope this will encourage others to get a second opinion and to trust their instincts if something doesn't 'feel' right."
We wish Rita Wilson all the best in her recovery.