Kate Upton has made a fortune from her gorgeous curves, but shockingly has been criticized for being ‘fat, lardy and vulgar.’
One blogger from site ‘Skinny Gossip’ likened Upton, 20, to a cow before describing her as “a solid 30lbs too heavy for this outfit.” She then launched into a tirade about how the model does not belong in fashion.
“Is this what American women are “striving” for now? The lazy, lardy look? Have we really gotten so fat in this country that Kate is the best we can aim for? Sorry, but: eww!”
Despite these cruel comments Kate, who built her profile using social networking sites and did not have an agent when she started out, has refused to starve herself to fit in with the fashion stereotype.

“I want to enjoy life and I can’t be enjoying it if I’m not eating and miserable” said the model.
'It was hard when I was first in the industry and people were like: 'No, you are fat.'
“It was hard when I was first in the industry and people were like: ‘No, you are fat.’”
“But my body is something that you have to work out and eat healthily for,” she added.
It seems that in an industry saturated by skinny size zeros, Kate Upton is something of an anomaly in this respect.
The buxom blonde has, over the past two years, graced the cover of pretty much every glossy out there, has a contract with Guess jeans, and it seems – a very healthy attitude to food. We wonder who’ll have the last laugh eh Skinny Gossip?