For the last few years, Britain has come to know Summer Monteys-Fullam rather well. In the summer of 2017, she met andeventually got together with The Great British Bake Off’s Paul Hollywoodafter his marriage to wife Alex ended.
Despite the 30-year age gap, the relationship seemed to be going from strength to strength, but ended abruptly two years later when Summer refused to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Since then, interest in the 24-year-old former barmaid has continued to escalate, with plenty of salacious stories and endless speculation about which reality TV shows she is or isn’t doing.
But follow her on Instagram, and it seems she enjoys a lovely life of countryside horse rides, her dog Cookie and time out with her mum Sabina, 48. When Bella sat down with Summer and Sabina – who has three other daughters, Saskia, 27, Crystal, 16, and Gigi, 12 – we found that they couldn’t be more grounded.
Laughing and chatting during our festive outfit photo shoot – the first either of them has done – it’s clear that the whole Monteys-Fullam family is as tight knit as can be, as well as total naturals in front of the camera. The real Summer is as far from tabloid fodder as you can imagine – down to earth, friendly and up for fun.

Perhaps in 2020, she can escape being known only for her famous ex…
What’s this year been like for you?
Summer: Fun and mad. It’s been a crazy year, but I feel like I’ve achieved more than I thought I would. I’ve done my family and myself proud, even in the most sticky and difficult situations.
Sabina: Summer has discovered a strength. She has always been quite direct talking and open, but I think she has found a resilience in this new environment that she’s in. She has never done anything like this before.
Have you surprised yourself?
Summer: Yes, I have. I’ve had such great support. It’s hard to describe. If you have a negative outlook, then that’s how things will seem.
Is it difficult not knowing what is going to be written about you next?
Summer: Of course. It’s out of your control, but you have to bite the bullet and stay true to yourself. Instagram is a powerful place where you can get yourself across.
Sabina: But to be fair, she has had so much support, rather than negative comments. We’ve had some snide remarks, but we kick those into touch.
Summer: The second you say something back, they always say they don’t mean it. I’m quite strong-minded, but the next person might be really hurt by negative comments.
Sabina: Some people have an inherent self-worth that others don’t. But on the whole, the press have been quite supportive and pro-Summer, actually. We’re thankful for that. She can be positive and strong because we as a family are. We’re quite stoic, honest and resilient. If we have that positive outlook, then it’s only natural that she’d have it, too.

You have been thrown in at the deep end, though! Two years ago you were working in a bar…
Summer: That was the best job. I had a great time.
Sabina: It was a lovely country pub just around the corner with big open fires, and it was so much fun for Summer to socialise with nice young people.
Summer: I have seven horses – soon to be nine – but at the time, I had five, so I was just around the corner. And it was good money!
People know you for your relationship with Paul – what’s that like?
Summer: I don’t want to be known for that forever. I want to be known for what I’m good at.

When you met Paul, you found yourself in a completely new environment. How did you cope?
Summer: I did find it tricky to begin with, to be honest.
Sabina: It was so unknown.
Summer: I didn’t have a representative, so I didn’t have anyone to defend me – to say this or that isn’t true. I fought that on my own, although with my family, of course. Now, I am being 100 per cent myself. I was 22 then, and now I’m 24. I’m more mature and more mindful of what’s out there.
Sabina: Because of the nature of the relationship, it was difficult for her to portray herself and to flourish as an individual.
Summer: It is a sensitive topic and not something that I want to be associated with forever.
That’s understandable, but does it worry you that you will be?
Summer: No, not at all. I don’t live with regrets, and I don’t live by the past.
Sabina: Everything happens for a reason.
Summer: I think I am doing really well now.
The reason you broke up was because Paul asked you to sign an NDA – why was that a deal breaker?
Summer: I don’t think someone in a relationship should sign an NDA. If you’re in a relationship, you need to have mutual trust, loyalty and respect for one another. I think that when you bring an NDA into it, then that person doesn’t have trust, loyalty or respect for you.
I don’t agree with NDAs in relationships. I understand if it’s for a very sensitive job role, but not in a relationship. I don’t even agree with prenups! I would say no woman or man should sign one.
Did you discuss this as a family at the time?
Sabina: Summer has always been taught by me and my husband not to sign anything. But if you are looking to sign something, bring it to me and let me have a look first. Summer’s known that since she was a child, no matter what guise it’s in.
Summer: I knew myself that it just wasn’t right. I would never ask a boyfriend to sign an NDA or a prenup. So, to expect me to do so is rather hurtful, heartbreaking and shocking. It feels like you have been stabbed in the heart.
Are you still in touch with Paul?
Summer: I don’t want to answer that question!

What are you hoping to achieve now?
Summer: I don’t know. My options are open. I’ve had opportunities come my way, but I currently have two mares in foal. It does kind of restrict me, as they are my babies, and their pregnancies, like human’s, are sensitive. I take my hat off to any horse breeder. My mares are my focus. Once they’ve had their babies, I’ll have some more time.
There were rumours that you would appear on I’m A Celebrity and Love Island this year!
Summer: I was asked, "Would I?" about Love Island, but with I’m A Celebrity? I woke up and saw the rumours, and I was like, "What? No one has contacted me. What is going on?"
Would you consider it in the future?
Summer: Yeah, I would. I did a Q&A on Instagram recently and so many people were asking me about it.
New year, fresh start – what will 2020 bring for you?
Summer: Two more horses, for a start! Happiness and new opportunities and adventures. 2020 is a fresh beginning for me. I’m known for being a bit silly, like doing splits on the bar [at the pub]. I want to go back to being like that.
You do give off a really fun, positive vibe. You’re not bitter…
Summer: I’m not a bitter person and I don’t hold grudges. I move on to the next chapter.
Sabina: We wouldn’t let her!
Summer: It wasn’t just a silly fling. It was nearly two years, and I loved that person. No matter what anyone’s thoughts and opinions are. But 2020 will be a new adventure with more horses.

What is Christmas like with the Monteys-Fullams?
Summer: From the first of December, we’re ready.
Sabina: My mum is German/Spanish, so we do the European traditions. We have traditional Swedish-looking decorations in one room, then the other has glamorous glass baubles. We don’t eat traditional food, and there’s no turkey. We will have a big fish with lots of roast vegetables instead. Christmas Eve is our big day.
We basically do it over two days, starting on the 24th. Christmas Eve is sacrosanct for family, so we’ll chill out and open our pressies in our onesies with a cup of tea or a gin and tonic. Just being together as a family is so important. It’s our favourite time of the year and we treasure it. My dad died at 55 from cancer, so we all know the importance of family at Christmas.
What presents are you hoping for?
Sabina: I’ve been told to rein it in this year! For my girls, they usually have a big hamper each with different bits and pieces inside. Summer will have horsey socks, Crystal [Sabina’s second daughter] will have big eyelashes, and my little one will get a Nicki Minaj perfume. But all these beauty products are super-expensive, so I have to be careful.
Summer: I don’t know what I want. I’ve already got everything!
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What has it been like for you as a mum seeing your daughter in the press?
Sabina: I am quite protective of Summer and all my daughters. Seeing her in the papers and online can be mind-blowing. As her mum, I watch her like a hawk, and I like to know where she’s being taken and who is taking her.
I understand what’s off the table straightaway and what is good for her. I’m not doing this in a controlling way, but I want Summer to be the best she can be, and to be herself. I’m bloody well there if she needs me.
But it has been a very interesting journey, and we have hit the ground running as a family. My husband and I are strategists, and we can adapt, but we are behind her 100 per cent.
What do you want people to take away from this? Who you are and what are you about?
Summer: I would probably say don’t be quick to judge until you actually know the details. I understand that it’s easy to have an opinion – we all have one. If I read something, I now reserve my judgement. Stay open-minded!