Stevi Ritchie loses a stone in ONE week after being taunted about his weight on social media

The former X Factor contestant lost an entire stone in ONE week after he signed up to popular celeb bootcamp.

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by Maria Vallahis |
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Stevi Ritchie, 34, reportedly put on half a stone during last year’s X Factor final. He then signed up to Norfolk’s No 1 Boot Camp after finishing the ITV show weighing 15st 4lbs.

Former Pontin's Bluecoat Stevi told the Mirror: "It was one of the hardest things I have ever done. Handling Simon Cowell as your category boss in X Factor is easy in comparison.

Ritchie pictured in December
Ritchie pictured in December

'I badly needed to get in shape. I was the heaviest I have been for a couple of years and was disgusted by my body. I badly needed to shed the flab."

Following his ‘week of hell’ at bootcamp Stevi, who used to eat peanut butter, Nutella, pasta, takeaways, vodka and beers; now snacks on smoked salmon, poached egg, grilled chicken, fresh vegetables, seeds, lime cordial and soda.

Stevi now weighs in at 14st and 4lbs after the bootcamp which is a favourite with other celebrities such as Made In Chelsea stars Binky Felstead and Spencer Matthews.

"I must have put on half a stone - around 1lb for every week that I was on the live shows. ITV take care of everything so you are very well looked after,” added Stevi. "I had a few fans saying that I had put on weight when I was on the show. I remember one saying I was struggling for breath when I was singing and dancing and it really made me think.

"I've been doing a lot of gigs too and drinking beers which don't help with piling on the pounds. It all left me in pretty bad shape."

Claiming his body ‘needed the torture,’ Stevi says he now feels ready and in shape for the X Factor Live Arena Tour which kicks off next month.

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