Steven Gerrard hit by ‘cheating’ rumours

England captain Steven Gerrard has become the subject of nasty cheating rumours claiming that the footballer had a fling with a teenage girl.


by Closer staff |
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Thousands of fans received emails and texts claiming that the footballer had cheating on his stunning wife, Alex, with whom he has two children.

The malicious claims, which have been revealed to be a sick hoax, blame England’s poor performance in the World Cup on a rift between the players caused by Steven’s alleged cheating.

The slurs claim that John Terry, who lost captaincy of the English footie squad after his alleged affair with Wayne Bridge’s ex girlfriend Vanessa Perroncel was revealed, is furious that Steven wasn’t stripped of the captain’s armband when rumours of his cheating started circulating.

The claims detail how the footballers are so divided by the fallout, with some players backing Terry, and others sticking up for Gerrard, that they could not work together as a team during the World Cup campaign.

'The players can't believe such obvious absolute rubbish is being peddled so widely'


The sordid rumours claim that 30-year-old Steven, married to Alex Curran, got his wife’s 16-year-old sister pregnant. However, the 27-year-old Liverpudlian beauty, who is mother to the couple’s two daughters, does not have a sister, which means that the claims are malicious lies.

There are reports that a so-called court ‘super-injunction’ is preventing the media from publishing the story, but insiders insist that the rumours are ‘a pack of lies without a scintilla of truth’ and there was ‘no affair’.

A source told The Sun: ‘The players can’t believe such obvious absolute rubbish is being peddled so widely.’

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