Solange Knowles and Jay-Z pictured together for first time since lift attack, as Beyonce shares family snap

Solange and brother-in-law Jay-Z have been pictured together for the first time since she lashed out at him in a lift after the Met Gala.


by Ellie Hooper |
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After footage of the 27-year-old kicking and hitting her sister's husband emerged, rumours swirled over what could have caused the fight.

The first picture of Solange and Jay-z since the infamous footage. Beyonce/Tumblr

But the Knowles family have been quick to dispel these rumours, releasing a statement last week that they 'love each other' and putting the incident down to a tiff, which all families experience.

And now Beyonce has confirmed they are playing happy families once again, releasing a picture of them to her Tumblr page.

In the colourful snap, Beyonce, Jay-Z, Solange and mother Tina can all be seen arm in arm, smiling for the camera.

Beyonce has been posting numerous snaps of her and sister Solange

Beyonce has previously shared half a dozen pictures of her and younger sister Solange to both her Twitter and Instagram pages; seemingly trying to dispel any rumours of a rift between the siblings.

Last week, reports emerged that the fight kicked off when Jay-Z planned to attend Rihanna's after party without his wife.

According to a source, this led to Solange crying: 'Why does your husband need to go to the club right now?' and then getting physical with the rapper.

Whatever the reason for the fight, the family certainly seemed to have put the ordeal behind them - if this picture is anything to go by.

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