A school in Blackburn is under investigation after a six-year-old girl was sexually assaulted in the playground by a boy of the same age.
According to the Mail Online, officers are unable to charge the boy as he is under the age of criminal responsibility.
The school has refused to remove the boy, much to the dismay of the young girl’s mother.

The horrified parents say their daughter was made to feel 'like she was in the wrong'.
The girl- who can’t be identified due to legal reasons- has moved schools as a result of the attack.
Her mother said: “I informed the school and social services straight away, and rang the police. I had to keep her off school because the school said it was appropriate for the boy to remain in classes.
“They said they needed to speak to the boy's parents and find out his side of the story.
“My daughter didn't really understand how bad it was. It has left her feeling very vulnerable. The way the school has acted makes her feel like she was in the wrong.”