Remember A Little Princess Star Liesel Matthews? You HAVE to see what she looks like now

It’s been 21 years since the movie hit the big screens, and child star Liesel has done a LOT of growing up…

A little princess film cover 1995 liesel matthews

by Hayley Kadrou |
Published on

We know we can’t expect our favourite childhood stars and icons to stay young forever, but in our hearts they will forever live on as the little rascals that gave us so much joy and laughter during our youth.

Hence why we CANNOT get over seeing what those 90s child stars look like in the 21st century.

And have you seen what Liesel Matthews - aka A Little Princess’ Sarah Crewe – looks like now?

Well let us tell you she looks nothing like this anymore…

A Little Princess Sarah Crew Liesel Matthews Pritzker Simmons
CREDIT: 1995 film A Little Princess ©A Little Princess 1995 movie
Liesel matthews at premier for a little princess
At the premiere of A Little Princess back in the day* ©Getty

She’s come a long way since her nine-year-old self entertained the entire family in this film about a young girl heading off to boarding school during the Great War.

Nowadays, the now 32 year old (yes, 32!) looks more like this…

Liesil Matthews yale university
CREDIT: Yale Univeristy Youtube ©Yale University Youtube

Oh god, we feel ancient.

Since her days of childhood fame, Liesel has put acting to the side to pursue philanthropist paths, directing the IDP Foundation sending funds and aids to areas in need across the globe.

Watch her in action:

And she can thank her heiress fortune from Hyatt Hotels of approximately $280 million for allowing her to help others so much.

Liesel matthews teen
And here's a throwback to her teen years... ©getty

She’s also gone on to start a family of her own, being married to Ian Simmons with two little ones, Robert and Irene.

How time flies, ey?

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