Strictly Come Dancing's Seann Walsh's ex-girlfriend Rebecca Humphries has broken her silence once again amid the cheating scandal, posting a cryptic photo to Instagram.
Posting a picture of Beyoncé, she wrote: "She’s back! #takenoutthetrash #andtookthecat 💛"
This comes after she directly addressed the cheating scandal, where Seann was spotted kissing his dancing partner Katya Jones, on Twitter last week.
She wrote: “Hello there, My name is Rebecca Humphries and I am not a victim.
"I wasn't sure whether to respond to events from the past week, but I feel the narrative has missed a couple of crucial elements that I would like to clear up.
"It’s incredibly good of Sean(n) and Katya to apologise in the media. I have received nothing. other than the support of my family, friends, and a host of strangers on the internet who all wanted to make sure I was OK.
"What I have also kindly received are many offers to sell my side of the story, but I would prefer for it to be on my own terms.
"Those pictures were taken on October 3, it was my birthday. I was alone at home when Sean texted at 10pm saying the two of them were going for one innocent drink.
"We spoke, and I told him, not for the first time, that his actions over the past three weeks had led me to believe something inappropriate was going on.
"He aggressively and repeatedly called me a psycho/nuts/mental. As he has done countless times throughout our relationship when I’ve questioned his inappropriate, hurtful behaviour.
"But - this whole business has served to remind me that I am a strong, capable person who is now free: and no victim.
GALLERY: the most memorable Strictly Come Dancing moments EVER
Most memorable Strictly Come Dancing moments EVER! SLIDER

1. Ann Widdecombe as Big Bird

2. Bruce Forsyth shooing McFly off the dancefloor after Harry Judd won in 2011

3. Gavin Henson snogging Bruno Tonioli

4. Mark Ramprakash getting tangled up with his partner Karen Hardy

5. Russell Grant emerging from a seashell

6. Nancy Dell'Olio's terrible Halloween performance

7. Quentin Wilson gets the lowest score ever. Erm, 8 out of 40...

9. Ann Widdecombe's Paso Doble

10. John Sergeant's wasn't much better, mind you...

11. Bruce Forsyth and Anton du Beck join forces

Russell Grant gets shot out of a cannon

12. Ed Balls' EPIC Gangnam Style routine

13. Susan Calman totally killing it as Wonder Woman
"I have a voice and will use it by saying this to any woman out there who deep down feels worthless and trapped with a man they love: Believe in yourself and your instincts.
"It's more than lying. It's controlling. Tell some very close friends who, if they’re anything like my wonderful network, will swoop in and take care of the logistics and of you.
"It’s important also to recognise that in these situations those who hold power over you are insecure and fragile and the need for control comes from a place of vulnerability. I think it certainly does in Sean’s case.
"Despite everything I hope he gets what he wants from this. I'm not sorry I took the cat, though."
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Seann and Katya were saved by the public on Saturday's show, despite the scandal. Strictly Come Dancing continues this Saturday on BBC1.