Rebecca Ferguson: “I can’t date – my trust in men is broken”

Singer Rebecca Ferguson opens up to Closer about the trauma of going through her third pregnancy alone after she was dumped by her cheating ex

Rebecca Ferguson loose women abuse

by Closer |
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With her powerhouse singing voice coupled with her down-to-earth persona, Rebecca Ferguson has been one of X Factor’s biggest success stories.

But while her music career has gone from strength to strength, Rebecca admits the traumatic breakdown of her latest relationship with the father of her daughter Arabella has made her give up on love.

rebecca ferguson

Rebecca, 30, was left devastated when her ex - who she won't name - ended the relationship after she told him she was pregnant with Arabella, now 22 months old. Adding insult to injury, he then revealed he had another girlfriend.

"It has broken my trust in men. I can't date," Rebecca, who is also mum to Lillie-May, 12, and Karl, 10 from a previous relationship, told Closer magazine this year.

"I haven't dated in years. I'm a romantic and do still believe in love but at the same time I keep getting let down.

"We don't have any contact with Arabella’s father now and I prefer it that way. Arabella is a lovely, happy baby. I wouldn't want to bring unbalance into her life. He made his choice."

Quietly, she added: "I'm just over it. I've rebuilt myself back up and music has been my saviour."

Rebecca's honest confession in Closer came before she openly admitted that she was sexually abused as a child whilst appearing on Loose Women earlier today (23 Nov).

The X Factor star, who has never spoken openly about the abuse before broke down as she revealed she was just eight years old when she was assaulted in a children’s home.

Rebecca Ferguson loose women abuse

Making the heartbreaking revelation, Rebecaa told fellow panelists Linda Robson, Ruth Langsford, Penny Lancaster and Saira Khan:

"I was abused when I was in a children’s home, I was eight years old.

"I've never spoken about it. I told one friend, but - as I've launched a website - - this is the perfect place to speak about it.'

"You feel dirty like you’ve done something wrong."

Rebecca told the Loose Women that her website is the thing she's most proud of in her career; although she's achieved so much else, to date this forum for women to share their problems is something she's incredibly motivated to do.

Saira, who recently admitted that she too was molested at 13 by a member of her own family, later reached out to Rebecca and invited her to go into therapy with her.

She said: "I’m going for counselling and I’d love you to come with me.

"I’d love you to come with me. It helps me and I think we could do it together."

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