Queen Elizabeth II: What you *really* want to know about Her Majesty

In honour of The Queen's 90th birthday, here's all of those unanswered questions you've been wanting to find out…

Queen Elizabeth II

by Francesca Battson |
Published on

Everything you need to know about Queen Elizabeth is right here.

But we spoke to former BBC Royal Correspondent Jennie Bond to find out the answers to all those questions you really wanted to ask about The Queen of England.

When is Queen Elizabeth II's actual birthday?

Her actual birthday is on April 21.

But her official birthday is held on a Saturday in June.

And why does The Queen have two birthdays?

Jennie told us that many other British monarchs before Queen Elizabeth II have had two birthdays, and it's all to do with the weather.

She said: "April is too liable to be cold and the chances of the 'Trooping the Colour’ on Horse Guards Parade being wet and windy are quite high. It’s more likely to be brighter and warmer weather in June and that’s why the official celebration is held in June, so that everyone is able to celebrate with her."

Queen Elizabeth II Price Phillip horse

How did Queen Ellizabeth II and Prince Phillip meet?

The pair, who celebrate their 69th wedding anniversary this year, met through family connections early in their childhoods.

The couple both have in common Queen Victoria, who is Elizabeth's great-great grandmother.

Speaking about how the two became romantically linked, Jennie said: When the Queen was 13 she went with her parents to Dartmouth Royal Navel College in Devon. Philip, then 18, was designated to show the young Elizabeth and her sister Margaret around the college while their parents carried out their official engagements.

"He was tall blonde and very handsome man, and from then on people who know, say there really was no one else for Elizabeth. Whilst she was only 13, it was just a friendship until her later teenage years where they fell in love and became officially engaged."

A true fairytale story!

Queen Elizabeth II visit land of lions

What are Queen Elizabeth II's duties?

During the war, Her Majesty was a mechanic, but joined up very late due to her age.

But Jennie says that even though Elizabeth wasn't able to put her knowledge into active service as the war ended before she was able to, she still knows her way around lorries and car engines!

Nowadays, as The Queen of England is a constitutional monarch, this means she has no real political power but every day she has a "large amount of cabinet and official papers, which are sent to her in a red box," Jennie revealed.

And that red box follows her anywhere she goes in the country, too!

Spending around two hours a day going through official papers, helps Elizabeth to understand the work of the government. As well as signing official documents and acts of parliament, she also carries out up to 400 official engagements a year.

She's clearly a busy woman!

Jennie said that Queen Elizabeth II enjoys a mix of business and pleasure, saying: One of the Queen’s highlights of the whole year is the Royal Ascot, when there is a great pageant of the carriages rolling down the mile course in front of the grandstand so she’s very much being seen, but she adores that week. She takes up residence at Windsor Castle and hosts parties for the duration of her stay. Nothing would please the Queen more than if she could go to the races every day."

Queen Elizabeth II corgis

What are Queen Elizabeth II's hobbies?

According to Jennie, Her Majesty is a big fan of the outdoors, and would have loved to have been a farmer's wife!

Elizabeth enjoys spending time with her horses and dogs, as well as enjoying a BBQ usually cooked by Prince Phillip, which Jennie explains in further detail in her new audiobook.

The Queen and her dogs – what are their names and how many does she have?

Elizabeth currently has two corgis, but she used to have many more.

When she was younger, her father have her a corgi called Susan, from which Her Majesty has then bread many more dogs over the years.

Jennie said: "Sometimes they have crossed them with Dachshund which are Dorgi’s, but because the queen now is coming up to 90, she feels that would be unfair to bring new dogs into the household, so at the moment she’s just got two."

Elizabeth usually walks them in Windsor Great Park or in the (very) large garden at Buckingham Palace.

Does Queen Elizabeth II watch television?

Of course she does!

According to Jennie, she watches the news whenever she can to stay up to date with current affairs, and sometimes even has her dinner brought to her in her drawing room so she can watch TV whilst eating.

"She’ll watch the main bulletins if she can, but she’s also very fond of sitcoms, usually some of these older ones like ‘Dad’s Army’," Jennie revealed.

"I’m not convinced that she likes soaps as when I went with her to EastEnders she didn’t know who anyone was. But certainly, something that makes her laugh makes her very happy."

And she once visited the Game of Thrones set!

royal family

What football team does Queen Elizabeth II support?

The Queen is neutral on such matters, but she does know a thing or two according to Jennie.

She said: "I remember discussing with her at a reception at Buckingham Palace, David Beckham’s foot injury and she seemed to know all about that. But even if she did have a particular club, I don’t think that she would let it be known."

What does Queen Elizabeth II like to eat?

Simple food pleases The Queen apparently, and if it's good enough for Her Majesty, it's good enough for us!

"She’s very fond of teatime scones and maybe something like a grilled piece of fish with some steamed vegetables, that’s the sort of avenue she goes down," Jennie revealed.

However, when Elizabeth visits abroad she tends to steer clear of anything that can be a little risky, i.e. seafood.

What does Queen Elizabeth II carry in her handbag?

Jennie has only seen a glimpse inside Her Majesty's handbag, and only because it was tipped sideways when Elizabeth was getting her glasses out.

But she said she thinks there is a little mirror, her lipstick, a pen and possibly a handkerchief.

What more could she possibly need though, she's The Queen of England after all!

Queen Elizabeth II visit

Does Queen Elizabeth II have Twitter?

Her Majesty does not have a personal Twitter account which she tweets from, but she did tweet once from the British Monarchy account:

BUT, she does have a mobile phone!

Jennie cannot confirm if she texts her children and grandchildren, but she did say that she has been lead to believe that The Queen knows how to surf the net.

Where does Queen Elizabeth II like to visit?

The place The Queen most loves is Balmoral in Scotland, which is where she spends the long summer holiday, with visits from many members of the family.

"It’s quite remote and obviously the weather up there isn’t great, so it’s the great outdoors and probably quite a lot of rain, but come rain or shine the Queen loves nothing better than to put on her tweeds and be totally relaxed and away from it all," Jennie expressed.

Do you know anything interesting about The Queen of England?

Let us know via Facebook and Twitter (@CloserOnline).

Elizabeth II: Life of a Monarch, a new audio-biography narrated by Jennie Bond, is available free with a 30-day trial at www.audible.co.uk/HRH

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