It's a sh*t conversation starter, yes, but how long does it take you to poo?
Scientists have found the time it should take you and it's a measly 12 seconds. Definitely not enough time to flick through the 'real life' section of your Closer Magazine is it?
A US study, published in the journal Soft Matter, revealed that it takes mammals an average of 12 seconds to complete a poo.
According to the research, it didn't matter how large the mammal was (they ranged from four to 4000 kilos) they all finished their business in the same amount of time.
Apparently it's all for a good reason. ‘The smell of body waste attracts predators, which is dangerous for animals. If they stay longer doing their thing, they’re exposing themselves and risking being discovered.'
SO. Twelve seconds. Let us know what you think about all poo talk on our Facebook page or on Twitter!**