Pamela Anderson celebrates hepatitis cure with naked snap

Pamela Anderson has celebrated being given the all clear from Hep C, by posing naked of course.


by Ellie Hooper |
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The 48-year-old took to her Instagram page over the weekend to share her happy news, telling followers ‘I am CURED!!!’

‘I just found out #nomorehepc’ Pammy wrote on her page, followed by several comments showing off how thankful she is.

Anderson has been suffering with Hepatitis since sharing a tattoo needle with her ex Tommy Lee 16 years ago.

The actress, who is a keen animal rights advocate, revealed to People that at first the disease was presented as a death sentence.

‘Even though I may have looked confident on the outside, I think it really was a dark cloud that lingered over me.’

Luckily for the former Baywatch star, she has no liver damage from the disease and no side effects, though she knows she is in the minority.

'I pray anyone living with Hep C can qualify or afford treatment,’ the star said.

'It will be more available soon. I know treatment is hard to get still...#dontlosehope #itworkedforme #thereisacure #love #happy #americanliverfoundation #celebration #Idontknowwhattodo #iwanttohelp #cannes #iloveboats #onthesea #free.’

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