Ola Jordan quitting Strictly to Sofia Vergarau2019s wedding: the weekend in pics

Eggs are a fab source of protein and can be encorporated into nearly every meal. Frida says: "Egg is the king among protein and rates 100 / 100 of being a high quality protein source. It is versatile and affordable protein source. "They have a High Satisfy Index and it is a good way to start your day, as it will keep you filled for longer. Being a filling meal plus the fact that it is low in fat, particularly if you only use egg whites, could help with weight loss. "They are packed with vitamins B2, B12, A and E which are useful to keep a healthy skin, hair and nails. Medical News Today has suggested that lutein, found in the yolk of eggs can help improve the hydration and elasticity of skin. In addition, the egg yolks are a good source of iron that could help to decrease fatigue and headaches. "Eggs are good for both an eye and brain health. Just like green vegetables such as broccoli and spinach, eggs contain a specific antioxidant that is vital for keeping your eyes healthy and can help to improve the health of the lens. Choline is another nutrient that we find in eggs and which is important for the brain development and function."

Frida says: "Dairy foods are full of protein, containing both whey and casein protein. The calcium found in dairy products is also good for bones in your body. "If you wish to eat less lactose, cottage cheese or natural Greek yogurt are options, and it also has good probiotic bacteria that helps with the digestive system. Sprinkles some chia seeds on your yogurt for an extra protein boost. Opt for soya yogurt if you are dairy intolerant. Soya protein is low in fat and can be good for your heart health."

"A lot of fish is a good source of protein and it also provides iron and vitamin B12, which keeps your energy levels high. "Tuna is low in calories and a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which is needed for example for a healthy brain and heart function. "The American Heart Association recommends healthy fat fish twice a week."

Chicken is another meat product that is a great source of protein. Lifesum's Frida says: "Opt for lean protein such as turkey or chicken. Eat it without the skin for an even lower calorie intake. "Chicken also contains zinc and vitamin B6, which is good for the immune system and the heart health. "Apart from protein chicken is rich in calcium that helps to keep your bones strong and healthy. And the magnesium in chicken can help with PMS symptoms and regulate the mood changes."

"If you need a good protein-rich snack I would suggest pistachio nuts or almonds. Both of them are high carotenoids, which you can’t find in many nuts. "This helps to improve your eye health and prevent memory loss. Research discovered that pistachios also help remove bad cholesterol that can lead to heart attacks and stroke. "Edemame is also a good source of dietary fibre, protein, iron, magnesium, as well as Vitamin K and magnesium."

Quinoa is jam packed with 'complete' proteins, which make it perfect for building healthy, strong muscles.


