With a wardrobe worth more than all ours put together and pictured on Twitter wearing a knitted Chanel sweater accessorised with a mini Chanel bag, Nori West made her first solo modelling appearance this week.
Of course, it's tempting to question whether a 13-month-old needs a designer handbag, but just try telling that to her style queen mum Kim Kardashian.

North modelling Chanel
It's easier to question the motives behind a grandmother's shocking decision to bind her baby granddaughter's mouth with Duct tape and place her in a roasting pan of potatoes so she could post a 'funny' photo on Facebook.

A grandmother posted this picture on Facebook as a 'joke'
If it was supposed to raise a laugh, it failed - a Closer Online poll shows 80% feel it's cruel. Gran Jackie Sheaks says she's been taught a lesson. It's understandable that people want to show off their babies online but they are little people not props and extreme pictures can easily backfire.