Natasha Hamilton inspired 'aaaahhhs' throughout the office when we saw the picturesshe's posted of her with her beautiful three week old baby daughter Ella. Natasha herself looks amazing – calm, relaxed, fresh faced and beautiful and of course the baby's adorable.

In next week's mag we've got a unique and very special photo-shoot with Natasha that we hope you'll love. Don't forget to pick up your copy on Tuesday.
Meanwhile another new mum has inspired feelings of a different kind. Outrage. Josie Cunningham - who initially hit the headlines for getting a boob job on the NHS – took to Twitter to brand breastfeeding 'borderline incest'. We understand that she might be fed up with people asking her how she is feeding her child (after all it's her business) but to describe such a natural thing in such a twisted way is pointlessly controversial. That of course seems to be Josie's self-styled job description so it's not much of a surprise is it!

As we count down to the weekend, we hope you've got a little you-time lined up.
Or if you prefer to just snuggle down in front of your favourite box set why not do it in style. Our feature on the best pyjamas may just inspire you to treat yourself!