Things have been shaky between the twosome for some time now, but on Monday night, Alik claimed that sometimes their rows get so heated she physically lashes out at him.
In one particular incident, the New Yorker claimed she ‘whacked him’ when he happened to roll over onto her side of the bed.

And in further revelations to pals Stevie Johnson and Andy Jordan, Alik said his girlfriend often flips out when he is just a few minutes late.
‘One minute she’s so great, the next, she goes off on one,’ explained the American.
It seems things have come to a head for both parties, with Louise admitting earlier in the episode that she’s finding the constant arguing ‘exhausting.’
‘We haven’t argued in the last few days so we are improving. But I don’t want you to think this has all been me,’ said the star.
But while taking Louise’s comments on board, Alik laid down the law with his girlfriend.
‘We should never get to a point where you are aggressive and mean.’
Do you think Alik was right to call Louise out on her bevahiour? Or do you think he overreacted?