This Marmite fan loves it so much she puts it on her Christmas cake

It's obvious which side of the "You love it or Hate it" argument she sides with...

Tracy Matthews marmite fan

by Seamus Duff |
Published on

We all know people either love or hate Marmite.

But there is one woman who could have a pretty good claim to being the biggest fan IN THE WORLD of the spreadable yeast-extract food paste.

Mum-of-two Tracy Matthews, 48, eats the spread every day and has vowed to even ice her Christmas cake with the stuff.

She has also amassed such a wealth of Marmite related memorabilia over the years that she has opened a museum to celebrate the product.

"Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without Marmite," Tracy maintains.

Tracy Matthews marmite fan
Tracy Matthews ©PA

"It’s as important to me as roasties, Brussels sprouts and gravy," she added.

And indeed it sounds like nothing is safe from being given a touch of the distinctive flavour - Tracy adds it to everything.

"I cover the roast spuds in Marmite mixed with butter, before bunging them in the oven, and serve them with fried onions," she says.

"They come out tasting out of this world," she promises - although it might take a bit more to convince non Marmite lovers that it’s worth trying.

Tracy Matthews marmite fan
Tracy Matthews ©PA

Even the Christmas turkey isn’t safe.

"Most importantly, Marmite forms the basis of my turkey dinner every year now. It makes a great marinade with butter and honey," she says.

And she also thinks Marmite is the perfect addition to a Christmas cake, arguing in defence of the divisive product: "I use it as part of the frosting for Christmas cakes. It tastes like salted caramel. It’s absolutely beautiful. Marmite and chocolate go together very well."

Non Marmite lovers collectively shudder

Tracy Matthews marmite fan
Tracy Matthews ©PA

Tracy is so obsessed with the dark colored product that she gets through at least one 500g jar every two weeks.

The most she has spent in one Marmite shopping outing was £40 - after finding jars that cost just £1 each.

Tracy - from South Wales - can trace her obsession back to when she tried the product for the first time aged 16.

But she upped her love of the stuff in 2010 when she noticed a competition to win a specially, um, brewed version that had been matured for 10 years - and Tracy made it her mission to win.

Tracy Matthews marmite fan
Tracy Matthews ©PA

"To have a chance of winning, you had to ‘show your love for Marmite’ in a creative way," she recalls.

"I copied and pasted a note saying, ‘I love Marmite’ hundreds of times, with a message in the middle saying ‘I would love to win’."

After winning, she then started collecting other Marmite related items - eventually spanking literally tens of thousands of pounds and ultimately opening a museum for other Marmite fanatics to enjoy.

"I have more than 100 jars from 1902 to the present day, some full, some empty," she admitted.

Tracy Matthews marmite fan
Tracy Matthews and son, Tyson ©PA

"I must have spent at least £30,000 on the lot and my most expensive item was a £1,000 pre-1920s’ jar," she revealed.

And it sounds like she has the backing of her husband Rob, 47, and children Samuel, 22, and 26-year-old Tyson’s backing.

"Rob supports me. My kids roll their eyes when it comes to my collection – they think I’m bonkers. But I couldn’t be without Marmite," she says.

We’ll wish Tracy a very Marmite Christmas then.

What do you think of Tracy’s Marmite obsession? Let us know via Twitter and Facebook (@CloserOnline).

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