Home|Celebrity|NewsMark Wright vs. Lauren Goodger and Kanye West’s birthday: The week’s top storiesThis week saw Mark Wright go to war with Lauren Goodger on social media while Kim and Kanye celebrated a birthday. Catch up on the week’s top stories below.by Nura Abdela | Published on12th June 2015 at 2.35pmGalleryMark Wright vs. Lauren Goodger and Kanye West's birthday: The weeku2019s top stories1 of 7lauren-goodger-mark-wright2 of 7lauren-goodger-jake-mclean3 of 7kanye-west-kim-kardashian-birthday4 of 7khloe-kardashian5 of 7zayn-malik-hair6 of 7michelle-keegan-mark-wright-honeymoon7 of 7taylor-swift-calvin-harrisJust so you know, we may receive a commission or other compensation from the links on this website - read why you should trust us