Blowing out the candles of a cake is really, bloody hard. You make a wish (normally along the lines of wanting more sleep) and then are blowing air like an inflated Mrs Puff from Sponge Bob Square Pants.

Well luckily, Freddie Tomlinson had his daddy to help him as he blew the candles out at his first birthday bash. You can see him tottering other to the cake and nearly falling, whilst a smily One-Directioner helps him stay on his feet. SO CUTE.
The adorable video was uploaded on to Freddie's mum Briana Jungwirth's Instagram account.
Briana also posted a picture of Freddie's birthday cakes on Social Media.

TWO CAKES. Is that icing sugar we spot? After 22 days of exclusively eating brown pasta and tuna, we have never been more jealous of a one-year-old. Oh and a party in an LA mansion would also be great.
Louis and Briana have been working hard to be a family unit for their son, despite not being romantically involved with each other.
The beautiful family moment is hugely welcomed following the death of Louis Tomlinson's mother Johannah Deakin who sadly lost her battle to leukaemia..
We wish the Tomlinson/Jungwirth family lots of happiness and love in 2017.