Jasmine cattily accused Lee of seeing men behind her back, tweeting: “the minute I got back to LA, he cheated on me with a MAN! #admitUgay.”
Blue singer Lee, 31, took a while to react but has finally spoken out, taking to Twitter himself and saying: “I’ve been asked by a few people why I haven’t reacted over recent claims & my answer is this…
“The claims that I’m gay don’t faze me. I don’t care if people think I’m gay, why would I care? I would be proud. Sexuality doesn’t need to be defended or justified.”

He continued his rather philosophical rant about sexuality, insisting that being gay or straight shouldn’t even be discussed nowadays.
He said: “In 2014 when individual sexuality is being celebrated, it’s odd that Twitter trolls and bullies focus on sexuality in a derogatory way.
“We have created change as a society, a really brilliant change and those people who have not yet caught up to 2014 (for whatever reason) please just open your minds and begin to think #equal.”

Among the claims that Lee cheated on her, Jasmine also said that his ‘obsession with himself and being famous’ were also contributing factors to their breakup.
We can understand why Lee is so upset over being trolled following Jasmine’s claims of his sexuality, after all his best friend and band mate Duncan James is openly gay.
What do you think, should Jasmine have brought sexuality into her reasons for ending things with Lee? Let us know via the comments box below.