Mark took a swipe at Lauren last week, accusing her of ‘embarrassing’ herself and telling she needed to ‘move on.’
Lauren revealed the attack stopped her in her tracks.
‘I was really shocked when Mark hit out at me on Twitter. What annoys me is that people don’t think I’m over him. I moved on a long time ago and I’m happy he has too. I’m not scared to talk about Mark in my column because he was a big part of my past.’
She added: ‘I was really surprised as it seemed out of character for him to react like that. It didn’t sound like Mark to me, but then I don’t know him anymore.’

One friend told New! magazine: ‘Lauren doesn’t see why Mark couldn’t have messaged her privately if he had an issue with this as its what he usually does… It’s unlike him to be so public about it so perhaps someone told him to have it out on Twitter.’
Lauren continued, revealing to the mag: ‘I’m comfortable talking about him because it doesn’t hurt me anymore. I don’t dismiss Mark because I respect him. We should be able to walk past each other in the street now and say hello.’
Find out the real reason behind Mark Wright’s Twitter rant in this week’s Closer.