Katy Perry and John Mayer have been surrounded by engagement rumours for a while, but that doesn't mean the musical duo are ready to start a family together.
"He really wanted me to have children, but I knew I wasn't ready. I thought it was a way of control"
Sources have come forward to claim that Katy has told her other half, with whom she recently released the duet Who You Love, that they need to wait for a year or so before having a baby.
And it's all apparently down to the lessons learned from her marriage to Russell Brand.
Speaking with a UK magazine, the source explained: "She learnt harsh lessons from her marriage to Russell.
"She desperately fears being a single mother."
The words echo those of Katy herself, who revealed in an interview with a magazine that she feared ex-husband Russell Brand only wanted children as a means of controlling her.
"He really wanted me to have children, but I knew I wasn't ready.
"I thought it was a way of control.
"I think I was like: 'If I have a kid then I'd have to sacrifice.'"

And, while she admitted she was happy with John Mayer - with whom she has enjoyed a famously on-off relationship - she also confessed that she wasn't at all ready to give up her career and start a family.
"I'm definitely not there yet… When I decide to have a family, I'll just want to be Mom for a little bit.
"It's a rad, mature relationship."
Have you, like Katy Perry, been made wary of starting a family due to a previous bad relationship? Let us know your stories below in our Comments Box - we'd love to hear more from you all.