Katie Price has planned the ULTIMATE revenge for Kieran Hayler

Katie Price Kieran Hayler

by Aimee Jakes |
Published on

Former glamour model turned Loose Woman panelist Katie Price is already seeking revenge on soon-to-be divorced hubby Kieran Hayler after he cheated on her for WHOLE year with the 'smelly' nanny.

Never underestimate the Pricey, Kieran. We would honestly be terrified, if we were you.

Despite Peter Andre pleading Katie to keep the details of the affair hidden (read: stop telling the ladies on Loose Women) she is planning to release a TELL-ALL BOOK.

We're predicting it to be a best-seller.

The 39-year-old has already released six autobiographies which have lifted the lid on Katie's tumultuous er...life.

We have a feeling she already has plenty of material for her seventh...

Watch Katie Price discuss Kieran Hayler's affair on Loose Women


According to the Daily Star, Katie replied, “At the moment I have to hold back a lot. But I will have an autobiography coming out and I’ll have LOTS to put in that one… I am a Gemini… Revenge is sweet!”

The news just comes days after it was revealed Katie had suffered a miscarriage just days before she discovered Kieran's affair.

The heartbreaking admission came on Loose Women after fellow panelist Andrea McLean asked Katie how she was dealing with things, following the recent spat of bad news.

Andrea explained: "Just a week ago Katie, you were sitting here telling us how your marriage to Kieran was over after admitting to having an affair."

Katie then added: "And I had a miscarriage four days before.

"On the Monday I had a miscarriage and then four days later I found out and now this one [refers to her mum Amy].

"It's like... Jesus."

Katie has five children Harvey, 15, Junior, 12, Princess, 10, Jett, four and Bunny, three.

Kieran first cheated with Katie's friend of 20 years Jane Pountney, it later came to light that he also had an affair with his wife's other friend Chrissy Thomas. Since then, Katie had forgiven her husband and the pair recently renewed their wedding vows in front of their family.

** Will you be reading Katie Price's new book? on Facebook and Twitter.**


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