The 35-year-old, who shared a snap of 5-month-old son Jett with husband Kieran Hayler, 27, over the weekend, tweeted this morning:
‘Jett such good baby sleeps all night just fed him and his asleep again bless, to all you new parents the dream feed soo works xx’
The model refers to a method which involves feeding your baby whilst still asleep, the theory is that by doing this you will get a longer stretch of sleep for yourself.

Explaining her choice, Katie added:
''its a feed you basically give them while sleeping to fill them up to sleep through night..
''Jett sleeps in a caccoon, when he is asleep I take him out feed him put him back(so feeds half sleep) it sooo works x if he didn't have it he would wake up early (sic)''

Speaking about the importance of a bedtime routine, Katie, who is also mother to 11-year-old Harvey, 8-year-old Junior and 6-year-old Princess, says:
''I bath Jett everynight without fail feed him put him down then around 10 I give him another feed..
''its routine, im obsessed with baths lol my friends laugh as I'm always in the bath and bath my kids everynight. it soo works also the heating in my house makes him sleepy lol...makes us all sleepy (sic)''

Speaking about her preference to bottle-feed so she can monitor the amount of milk her son drinks, she explains:
''I didn't breast feed any although I could of! bf is soo good for baby's but for me I like bottle feeding so I know what there drinking,as my friends bf and always on the boob (sic)'
Do you prefer breastfeeding or bottle-feeding? Comment below for your chance to win a £25 supermarket voucher