Despite the bad news, Sam, 37, has pressed on with her tour and has been entertaining some famous faces.
Last night Katie Price tweeted a snap of Sam on stage, writing: “Me Kieran Junior Princess are loving @SamBaileyREAL concert so amazing flawless and sings all the classics #blownaway [sic]”
After the show mum-of-three Sam replied: “Thanks hun xx see ya very soon x [sic]”
Who knew Sam and the Pricey were friends?
Meanwhile Sam is keeping her head held high, and has confessed that she wasn’t completely happy with her time at Syco.
She told the Radio Times: “As grateful as I am for the platform. I want somebody to take me seriously as a singer.
“I’m better than a cover album singer and I want to be able to prove that. [Syco] has got all of the new X Factor contestants and I’m no longer up there with them.

“I’m kind of like the smaller fish. If you look at the people that Syoco have on their books – I’m pushing 40 – so I kind of feel like they don’t feel they can market me.”
And Sam only had nice things to say about her label boss. “I thank Simon [Cowell], Simon’s been great; he’s been a nice person and he definitely knew what he was doing by putting out an album when he did.”