Josie Cunningham posted a topless photo and her Amazon wishlist (which includes a £3,500 fridge) with her Twitter followers
Josie Cunningham has shocked everyone again and posted a topless photo to show tax payers how their money is well spent.
She's well known for getting a boob job on the NHS, having plenty of Twitter wars with celebrities and having an abortion so she could get plastic surgery. At the time she admitted: "I’m having this nose job no matter what gets in my way.
"Pregnancy was a major obstacle and an abortion was the answer to it- so that's what I did.
"Anyone who criticises me for putting my looks ahead of an unborn child has no right until they’re the ones putting food on the table for my kids.
"I don't care what anyone thinks. My body, my decision."

She continued and said: "I put my life on hold for my other kids. But now is my chance to get the looks I need so I can have the career I always wanted. And I'll love the money," she told the Sunday People.
And now the controversial mum-of-four has posted a topless photo to show tax payers how their money was "well" spent – on her boob job.
She tweeted: "If this picture gets one 100 retweets, I'll tweet a topless picture - showing you how well your taxes were spent"
Not everyone was impressed with her tweet and one person replied: "200 and you put your clothes back on, you mess."
Another wrote: "God she's f—king disgusting. Stupid little s—g makes my blood boil. Absolute waste of space."
Someone else tweeted: "If it gets 500 retweets will you put your clothes back on? You absolute dog. #Crufts #crufts2017"
But after Josie received 100 retweets she showed her boobs on Twitter and included a link for people to buy her things off her Amazon wishlist. She wrote: "Whoever buys me pressies, DM details and I'll send high res"

Products on Josie's wishlist include a £3,500 fridge, a £1,000 mahogany bed, a pushchair, Louboutin shoes, hair extensions, an iPhone 7, a leather chastity belt and £300 life size medieval knight suit.
Back in 2009 Josie caused an uproar after she admitted she got a £4,800 boob job on the NHS. She admitted she "lived in terror of ever being seen in a bikini and could never set foot outside without a padded bra".
The model has since revealed she has a sugar daddy who she "genuinely likes" and buys her whatever she wants. She told the Daily Mail: "If I mention something I like, then the money or gift just appears in my bank. I have the most controversial boobs in the country. Of course they are going to come at a premium rate."
What do you think of Josie sharing her Amazon wishlist on Twitter? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter.
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