Josie Cunnigham causes outrage after slamming Peaches Geldof and labelling her a ‘bad mother’

Josie Cunningham has sparked anger again, this time for slamming the late Peaches Geldof and calling her a bad mother.


by Jack White |
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Posting on Twitter, Josie, 23, referred to the fact that heroin was revealed to have been the 'most likely' cause of mum-of-two Peaches' death.

She wrote: "Trolls calling me a bad mum but praising Peaches Geldof!? She was the bad mother being a HEROINE JUNKIE for f*ck sake!! #MyOpinion." (sic)

Josie, also a mum-of-two, hit the headlines recently after announcing her plans to abort her then 18-week baby in order to appear on Big Brother.

She received a huge amount of online backlash and even death threats, before insisting she had changed her mind and was keeping her baby.

Embarrassingly, Josie had to follow-up her cruel tweet aimed at Peaches with another correcting her typos.

"HEROIN JUNKIE* (hate predictive text, and if you ever see my say ducking – that's a typos as well!) #AnnoyingTypos," she said.

Immediately users on Twitter responded to Josie, a lot of them outraged by her comments. Some of them even sent death threats, which Josie retweeted, adding: "Constant death threats and wishing me to die is UNCALLED FOR!"

Josie rubbed salt into the wounds for heartbroken Katie, by offering her husband and his mistress a threesome
Josie rubbed salt into the wounds for heartbroken Katie, by offering her husband and his mistress a threesome

However, she reposted one tweet which agreed with her, the user wrote: "Hope you don't get bombarded with hate for that because you do have a point."

Josie has become known for her outrageous comments on the social networking site. Most recently, she cruelly responded to the news that Kieran Hayler had been cheating on Katie Price with her best friend Jane Pountney, by offering Kieran and Jane a threesome.

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