EXCLUSIVE! Jeremy McConnell opens up to Closer therapist Emma Kenny: ‘Steph and I are both very insecure’

Jeremy McConnell

by Closer Magazine |
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As Jeremy McConnell and Stephanie Davis' tumultuous relationship once again hits headlines, Jeremy sits down with Closer Magazine's therapist Emma Kenny. Here's a preview...

In this week's Closer Magazine, Closer therapist Emma Kenny is on the couch with Jeremy McConnell.

In their face-to-face therapy session, the 27-year-old opened up about his tragic childhood - in his early teens he lost his mother, brother and step-sister in the space of just 15 months - his drug and alcohol abuse, troubled relationship with Steph, and his hopes for his son Caben-Albi.

WATCH: Steph talks about Jeremy's drug problems on This Morning


Talking about the therapy session, Jeremy confided: "Talking to Emma has made me realise that I haven't grieved properly after losing so many family members.

"Emma has made me realise that Steph and I need to go to couple's counselling to improve the way we communicate with each other and hopefully then we can have the happy ending we both want."

Read Jeremy's full confessional therapy session, and Emma Kenny's expert analysis, in this week's Closer Magazine - on sale NOW!


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