‘I feel like a monkey in a zoo’ said the Silver Linings Playbook actress, who won an Oscar for her role as widowed sex addict Tiffany Maxwell in the film.

‘All of a sudden the entire world feels entitled to know everything about me, including what I’m doing on my weekends when I’m spending time with my nephew. And I don’t have the right to say ‘I’m with my family’.’
The 23-year-old actress also attacked the double standards that see celebrities subjected to more hassle than ordinary civilians.
‘All of a sudden the entire world feels entitled to know everything about me,'
‘If I were just your average 23-year-old girl and I called the police to say that there were strange men sleeping on my lawn and following me to Starbucks, they would leap into action. But because I’m a famous person, ‘Well, sorry ma’am, there’s nothing we can do.’ It makes no sense.’
J-Law also said she empathises with her character in The Hunger Games trilogy, Katniss Everdeen, who experiences a rapid rise to fame herself.
‘I remember reading the [Hunger Games] book and being like, ‘Oh my God, I know exactly what this feels like.’
Adding: ‘I do know what it’s like to be almost a puppet.’