Jacqueline Jossa has taken to social media to defend herself against ‘nasty’ trolls who criticised her parenting skills.
In a video posted to her Instagram story, Jacqueline vented to her followers: "I am so sick of people feeling like they can comment on pictures of my kids and tell me I'm doing something wrong parenting-wise.

"I don't get why people do that, it's just nasty... People say 'don't put pictures of your kids up,' but no, I'm putting pictures up of my kids and my life. I shouldn't have to not put pictures up, just because people want to comment dumb stuff on it. Just go away."
Hitting back at trolls, she added: "Just be nice. Comment that it's a nice picture or don't put a comment if you don't like it.
“Or if you’ve got something to say, say it to your friend that you’re with – oh wait, you don’t have any friends!”
Check out: Gemma Collins' best Celebrity Big Brother moments
Gemma Collins' best Celebrity Big Brother moments

Wouldn't you like to have fun? Fun? Fun?
Gemma gave a roaring rendition of Shirley Bassey's Big Spender while wearing a mini top hat and straddling the table with Daniella Westbrook at her side. Jonathon Cheban, who had recently heard (and smelt) Gemma's fart in the house, had this to say: "I've only heard you fart" but "what came out of the other hole was good".High praise indeed.LOL Level: 7 (she could have given it some more jazz hands)

I don't wanna play any more games
Gemma declared she was "f--king gamed out" and described the tasks as "having a job and working 24/7 for two days on the trot." It didn't seem to bother her that every other person in the house was happy to get on with challenges in order to get food. She broke down in tears over this numerous times. LOL Level: 7 (only The GC could have the sheer audacity to try and get sympathy for 'working')

Christopher and Gemma are playing with a lemon in a sock
A neat observation of such a pure and simple act of two bored housemates trying to pass the time with a an item of clothing and a piece of fruit. Maybe that lemon is what ended up causing such bitterness between the pair.LOL Level: 8 (excellent voice over work from Marcus Bentley)

I just want my life back
Taking part in tasks proved so traumatic for Gem, that she broke down in the Diary Room demanding to have her old life back. She said she didn't want to take part in another task "just to win a bit of smoked salmon". Stand your ground, Gemma.LOL Level: 6 (we kinda wanted her to just get a grip at this point, right?) But wait, she wasn't finished just yet...

Straighteners are what f*--king weirdos use on their hair
Gemma continued complaining in the Diary Room, this time about how the house was ruining her expensive hair extensions because she couldn't use heated rollers. She whimpered: "The f--king hair is frazzled."LOL Level: 9 (it was all just too much for EVERYONE at this point)

Gemma thinks she has seen a ghost
More fantastic commentary from Marcus Bentley. Gemma freaked out when she thought she saw a ghost. She clambered out of bed and said: "F--k this, I'm outta here."LOL Level: 8 (get The GC on Most Haunted, pronto)

Sometimes I do wish that I had someone who's very financially stable
Gemma confided in Tiffany Pollard that she "just wants a rich man to look after her and to have kids with" (OK, it's not very 'woke', but we've all been there after a bottle of wine following a bad breakup). She was ALL of us when she called life 'a long slog'. LOL Level: 7 (well we didn't know whether to laugh or cry - it's weird seeing The GC in a vulnerable state)

I'm 100% pregnant
"I know it, I know it, I know it" - Gemma was convinced she was pregnant and she even said she could "feel it". She told Tiffany she was "sort of excited but scared". We were just all confused as Tiffany basically encouraged Gem into believing that she was actually pregnant. LOL Level: 9 (WTF was going on here?)

Gemma has found out she's not pregnant after all
Seriously, can the queen please reward Marcus Bentley an OBE for services to TV voice over work?Gemma was relieved she wasn't pregnant because she's "too busy" to deal with a baby anyway. LOL Level: 8 (one short line, lots of laughs)

Gemma, ya silly c--t
GIF GOLD, RIGHT HERE. Need we say more. LOL Level: 10 (for all the many LOLZ it gave us in the GIFS that came afterwards)

I'm claustrophobic, Darren
Another day, another point-blank refusal to take part in tasks for the house. She then threatened to walk out (again) and shouted: "I don't need the money, I've got money." Gemma explained to Darren Day that the reason she wouldn't take part in this specific task is because she's claustrophobic. LOL Level: 8 (we've never seen someone be so offended by being asked to take part in constructed fun)

I've never seen gruel before in my life
That's fair enough - we prefer a bowl of sugary cereal or a cheeky croissant on a slow day for breakfast, too. But Gemma didn't even realise gruel is a real food that people still eat. She thought it was made up by Charles Dickens in Oliver Twist. LOL Level: 5 (we don't expect many people on TOWIE eat much gruel TBF)

I don't need any cheap clothes or cheap make-up, honey
MEOW. This time, Stephanie Davis was in the firing line of the GC's wrath. Steph had offered to give her clothes and makeup in exchange for taking part in the task. But Gemma refused and said, "To see you suffer would be lovely darling".LOL Level: 5 (she was borderline nasty here)

Am I gonna die?
The one time Gemma did offer to help around the house, she cut her finger "to the bone". But being the trouper that she is, she said she'd carry on.LOL Level: 8 (the one time it would have been understandable to cry, and there she was laughing her head off)

F--k off Gillian McKeith
More meme gold when Gillian McKeith kept ringing Gemma on the house phone. She told the house that Gillian was "just talking sh-t".LOL Level: 9 (we don't know why this is so funny, it just is)

This has been like camping for me
Darren Day tried to get all deep and "this has been an amazing experience" but Gemma quickly gave him a reality check by comparing the Big Brother house to a camping trip.LOL Level: 6 (it was time to just get The GC outta there)

I'd love a little unicorn
This is the moment Gemma met Tony the pony. Gem and her Shetland went for a little trot around the CBB garden and it was a moment of pure TV joy.LOL Level: 8 (it was weirdly beautiful, really)

Kiss my designer vagina
In the speech to end all speeches, Gemma said, "I am as I am and I ain't gonna apologise for it or make no excuses about it. Kiss my designer vagina."LOL Level: 10 MIC DROP
Thankfully though it sounds like the former Eastenders actress isn’t taking the trolling to heart.
“I don’t believe what they’re saying, I know I’m a good parent but it annoys me that people think that they have the right to do it," she continued.
Jacqueline gave birth to daughter Mia, her second with husband Dan Osborne, in June. They already share three-year-old Ella together.

A source said at the time: "They're both besotted with the baby, and introducing her to Ella was a really special moment."
It’s thought that Dan has signed up to take part in Celebrity Big Brother later this month alongside Love Island’s Gabby Allen, who he was forced to deny he had an affair with earlier this year.
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Jacqueline Jossa posts cryptic tweet in wake of Dan Osborne CBB rumours: 'I'm fully over it'
Ryan Thomas threatened to pull out of CBB and lose his HUGE fee when Dan Osborne signed up
Jacqueline Jossa admits her second pregnancy has been 'horrendous'