Why humiliated Coleen Rooney is scared to leave Wayne

coleen rooney wayne rooney

by Daisy McLure |
Updated on

Pals fear Coleen Rooney’s reluctance to divorce could be causing husband Wayne to push the boundaries on nights out

She’s weathered many scandals in her 11-year marriage to Wayne Rooney, and last week – after photos surfaced of the footballer looking cosy with a string of mystery women on a night out in Canada last month – Coleen was pictured marching him through a Washington airport to fly back to the UK as their move home got underway.

In pictures taken on 18 August, Wayne, 33, was seen looking close to a woman in a night club and at one point had his arm around her waist as she whispered in his ear. He was later spotted in a hotel lobby with another woman waiting for a lift at 5.30am.

Check out: Wayne and Coleen Rooney's relationship timeline - from childhood sweethearts to devoted parents


Wayne and Coleen Rooney's relationship timeline - SLIDER

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CREDIT: Facebook / coleenrooney

Wayne Rooney Coleen Rooney

Even though they first met at school when they were 12, Wayne and Coleen first started dating after they finished school at the age of 16.

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At just 17 Wayne joined Everton football club and even though they'd only been dating a year Coleen admitted that they had already discussed getting married.At the time she admitted: "We want to spend the rest of our lives together and there's no stronger commitment than getting married."

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The happy couple got engaged in 2003 at a petrol station after Wayne got down on one knee. He asked his childhood sweetheart to spend the rest of their lives together with a £46,500 engagement ring.

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CREDIT: Facebook / coleenrooney


Coleen discovered that Wayne slept with a 48-year-old nan in a brothel back in 2002

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The WAG then defended her fiancé and admitted when he cheated they hadn't slept together yet. She added, "we weren't having that kind of relationship at that stage."

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Wayne and Coleen looked totally loved up at a public event a year before they got married

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CREDIT: Twitter / ColeenRoo


At the age of 22, Wayne and Coleen tied the knot in a church in Italy!

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2009 – A year after their wedding, the happy couple welcomed their first child Kai into the world

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Just a year after they had their first child it was alleged that while Coleen was pregnant, Wayne cheated with prostitutes Jennifer Thompson and Helen Wood.

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CREDIT: Twitter / ColeenRoo


Even though Coleen and Kai moved out of their family home following the allegations, the married couple put their troubles aside and reunited.

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The happy couple look so adorable with their son Kai while they await the arrival of their second child

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CREDIT: Facebook / coleenrooney


The Rooneys welcomed their second baby into the world – Klay

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CREDIT: Instagram / coleenrooney


In 2016, the Rooney family welcome baby Kit into the world

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During the summer holidays Coleen denied being pregnant after this photo emerged (even though she was)

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CREDIT: Instagram / waynerooney


After denying her pregnancy for weeks the happy couple soon confirmed the exciting news - that they're having their fourth child!

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CREDIT: Instagram / coleenrooney


It was shortly after the Rooneys announced they're having their fourth child that Wayne was pictured and arrested for drunk driving.

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Things went from bad to worst after it came to light that Wayne was driving Laura Simpson's car. She then spoke out and claimed that they "had a kiss, a hug, some banter, harmless fun".

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CREDIT: Instagram / coleenrooney


It was then reported that Coleen along with her sons had fled from the family home after revealing her marriage was over.

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CREDIT: Instagram / coleenrooney


Following the scandal, Wayne received a driving ban for two years following his arrest and Laura appeared on This Morning to deny ever cheating with the footballer.

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CREDIT: Instagram / coleenrooney


After weeks of speculation around the couples marriage, it appeared that all was forgiven and forgotten as it was reported that the pair were planning on renewing their wedding vows.

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CREDIT: Instagram / coleenrooney


Coleen then surprised everyone by being totally honest in a Facebook post and admitted that although she's been through a "shit time" she decided to forgive her husband because she wants to "try and continue our marriage and live as a family".

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CREDIT: Instagram / coleenrooney


In February 2018 the Rooney family got even bigger as the happy couple welcomed their fourth child into the world - baby Cass!Yup. They broke their tradition with names beginning with 'K' but the little is adorable so who cares, ey?

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CREDIT: Instagram / coleenrooney


The happy couple celebrated their 10-year wedding anniversary by sharing a collage of the years they've spent together. Coleen wrote alongside her Instagram snap: "Today we are celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary!!! Time goes so quick.... so many great times together to remember ❤ufe0f "

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CREDIT: Instagram / waynerooney


The footballer also posted a dozen snaps of his wife and wrote alongside the post: "Celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary today. Amazing memories with @coleen_rooney and lots more to make ❤ufe0f "

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He was quick to deny any wrongdoing – insisting on Twitter last week, "I did not enter the lift alone with the girl pictured in the hotel foyer."

He added, "The girl pictured in the club was simply one of many who innocently asked for photographs and pictures."

In the days following the scandal, Coleen – who is mother to their sons, Kai, nine, Klay, six, Kit, three, and 18-month-old Cass – was pictured looking tearful, and at one point, she took off her wedding ring. But pals fear that, despite her anger, she’ll forgive him once again.

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©Getty Images

A source says, "There’s no question that Coleen is furious with Wayne. After all the scandals they’ve been through, she is annoyed that he keeps putting himself in these silly situations.

"She hates that everyone points the finger at him and their marriage together. She’s mad that he constantly allows their relationship to come under scrutiny. It’s humiliating, and pals wouldn’t be surprised if she’d forced him to publicly deny the allegations on Twitter.

"But the problem is that Wayne always manages to explain away his actions by insisting women come up to talk to him when he’s partying and he’s only ever polite to them. He tells Coleen a picture doesn’t tell the full story and he’s always made out to look like he’s behaving badly when he isn’t.

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"Pals have reminded her that he should still have more respect for her on nights out and keep his distance from women – even if he does believe his actions are innocent.

"But they worry that she puts up with it because she so desperately wants to put on a united front, she ignores his bad behaviour and tries hard to move on."

Even before the couple were married, Coleen was left humiliated when Wayne admitted in 2004 to having sex with prostitutes at 18 years old after being caught on CCTV at a backstreet brothel.

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©Getty Images

Coleen managed to overlook Wayne’s past and went on to marry him in 2008 but, just two years later, it was alleged Wayne had been unfaithful while she was pregnant with Kai, with claims he’d had a threesome with escorts Helen Wood and Jenny Thompson.

Just recently, Helen dragged up the reported affair in a tell-all bookand blasted Coleen for staying in the marriage.

Despite remaining largely silent on the scandals, Coleen was forced to address Wayne’s behaviour in an emotional Facebook post after his drink-drive shame with party girl Laura Simpson in 2017, explaining that she took off her wedding ring because she saw it "as a sign of commitment" and was "unsure what was happening" in their marriage.

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She added, "Yes, it has been a sh-t time, and yes, time was spent apart and I thought my marriage might have been at an end."

And despite their move to Washington DC last summer being a supposed fresh start, Wayne then had a 10-hour drinking session with a barmaid in February, which came just weeks after he was arrested for being drunk at an airport.

But despite the hurt caused by the numerous scandals, pals insist Coleen would struggle to walk away from her marriage because of her beliefs. The source adds, "Thanks to her strict Catholic upbringing, Coleen doesn’t believe in divorce and doesn’t see that as an option for her and Wayne. She believes in the institution of marriage and the vows she took to stand by him, for better or for worse."

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©Getty Images

Despite it being Wayne who has found himself in the dog house, Coleen’s also faced a backlash from trolls online. One wrote, “It’s a shame she can’t muster up enough self-respect to dump her revolting pathetic excuse of a husband, for her own sake and for her children.”

Our source adds, "Coleen’s pals feel that because she forgives him, Wayne never fully learns his lesson. After everything he’s done to her, you’d think by now he would step away from girls and parties. But he simply doesn’t see his behaviour as being wrong.

"He explains to Coleen that he’s a celebrity and that these women tell him they’re fans and he doesn’t want to be rude. He tries to be polite and engage in conversation with them. He’s said it’s unrealistic to think he’ll never be pictured talking to another woman again and that Coleen shouldn’t let speculation come between them."

Closer magazine
©Closer magazine

The latest scandal comes after Coleen had been preparing for the family to move home after Wayne announced he was transferring from DC United to Derby County – amid speculation Coleen had struggled to adjust to life in the States. Insiders also claimed she was eager for Wayne to quit booze to save their marriage.

Coleen has previously spoken about Wayne’s boozing and partying, revealing after the Laura Simpson incident, "One thing I do know is that too much alcohol on a night out is dangerous, and a lot of stupid mistakes are made and things are said under the influence.

"I would never trust ANYONE who has had a lot of alcohol, it changes some people drastically."

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The source adds, "Wayne had been promising to quit booze and stay away from parties, so pals were angry that he appeared to go back on his promise. But Coleen has just said this whole thing has proved that Wayne and the family need to be back in the UK.

"She thinks once they have moved home, they can concentrate on their marriage and put everything behind them. But pals fear that if she forgives again so easily without setting clear boundaries, it’ll only be a matter of time before Wayne trips up again."

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