From Helen Flanagan's gun toting snap to Rihanna's hospital pic- here are the most inappropriate celebrity selfies











If you go out hungry, you're more than likely to snack throughout the day. get yourself a scrum my and filling breakfast - like a bowl of porridge or scrambled eggs on wholemeal toast - before you head out and you'll stay full until lunch.
If you go out hungry, you're more than likely to snack throughout the day. get yourself a scrum my and filling breakfast - like a bowl of porridge or scrambled eggs on wholemeal toast - before you head out and you'll stay full until lunch

Well, duh! Sugar isn't just causing us to pile on the pounds; nutrition experts also reckon it's indirectly causing heart disease, osteoporosis, cancer and more. So cutting back on the white stuff is a seriously good idea. Stop taking it in your tea and coffee, veer away from sugary soft drinks and alcopops, swap your sweetened cereal for Weetabix and opt for sugar-free condiments (salsa is tastier than ketchup, trust us!). We're not saying you can't treat yourself every now and then (we all need a chocolate day), but just be more aware about sugar intake - check the labels before you buy and work on reducing your personal sugar levels, as of now.

Easy-peasy! Do not - we repeat, do NOT - hop in a lift when there's a perfectly good staircase next to it. Walk up escalators, get off the bus a few stops early, park your car further away from where you're heading, to squeeze in a few extra steps... you get the picture. Burning a mere 50 extra calories a day equates to five pounds a year, so try to squeeze in as much physical exertion as possible.
Easy-peasy! Do not - we repeat, do NOT - hop in a lift when there's a perfectly good staircase next to it. Walk up escalators, get off the bus a few stops early, park your car further away from where you're heading, to squeeze in a few extra steps... you get the picture. Burning a mere 50 extra calories a day equates to five pounds a year, so try to squeeze in as much physical exertion as possible

And, on that note, leave your car at home for short trips, set out earlier and use your legs. Plenty of fresh air, a good way to get your heart rate up and a nice way to unwind, walking the kids to school, strolling to the corner shop or heading into work on foot is a great way to burn calories WITHOUT forcing yourself into the hellish world of the gym. Trust us.
And, on that note, leave your car at home for short trips, set out earlier and use your legs. Plenty of fresh air, a good way to get your heart rate up and a nice way to unwind, walking the kids to school, strolling to the corner shop or heading into work on foot is a great way to burn calories WITHOUT forcing yourself into the hellish world of the gym. Trust us

Half of the time you feel hungry, you're actually just thirsty. You should be getting up to three litres of water per day, so make sure to guzzle a glass of water whenever you feel yourself reaching for the biscuit tin. It'll fill you up AND keep your skin looking fresh, clear and hydrated - cheapest beauty tip ever, huh?
Half of the time you feel hungry, you're actually just thirsty. You should be getting up to three litres of water per day, so make sure to guzzle a glass of water whenever you feel yourself reaching for the biscuit tin

We spend too much of our lives rushing about. Make sure you sit down for meals, eat slowly, savour every bite, chew properly and pay attention to when you begin to feel full - otherwise you can consume more calories than your body needs at each meal. When you feel full, stop eating - do NOT feel like you have to clear your plate. You can always save the leftovers for lunch tomorrow or pop them on the compost heap!
We spend too much of our lives rushing about. Make sure you sit down for meals, eat slowly, savour every bite, chew properly and pay attention to when you begin to feel full - otherwise you can consume more calories than your body needs at each meal. When you feel full, stop eating - do NOT feel like you have to clear your plate

If you write down each and every item of food that you eat, you'll soon begin to realise where changes can be made to your diet. And we're pretty sure you'll think twice about sneaking five chocolate biscuits when you know it'll be written down in black and white for you to stare at later...
If you write down each and every item of food that you eat, you'll soon begin to realise where changes can be made to your diet. And we're pretty sure you'll think twice about sneaking five chocolate biscuits when you know it'll be written down in black and white for you to stare at later..

Sure, you're sitting down and watching telly - but that doesn't mean you have to sit through the adverts. During commercial breaks, hop up and do something that needs doing (like loading up the dishwasher), skip, dance - just get moving. It's a good way to burn calories without doing very much at all.
Sure, you're sitting down and watching telly - but that doesn't mean you have to sit through the adverts. During commercial breaks, hop up and do something that needs doing (like loading up the dishwasher), skip, dance - just get moving. It's a good way to burn calories without doing very much at all

Make like the French and try out a few ultra-discreet resistance exercises whenever you have a few moments to spare. For example, while waiting in traffic or sitting on the bus, contract your abs for 12 seconds with your back pressed against the seat. Or, when reading a magazine at home, try sitting on the floor with your legs stretched and apart in a V and your hands on each side to work out those inner thigh muscles. Facile!
Make like the French and try out a few ultra-discreet resistance exercises whenever you have a few moments to spare. For example, while waiting in traffic or sitting on the bus, contract your abs for 12 seconds with your back pressed against the seat. Or, when reading a magazine at home, try sitting on the floor with your legs stretched and apart in a V and your hands on each side to work out those inner thigh muscles

Our abdominal muscles are seriously important - and they don't need much to get them feeling in tip-top shape. A few situps every morning before you get showered and dressed, say 20 or so, is a great way to keep them toned, primed and ready for action.
Our abdominal muscles are seriously important - and they don't need much to get them feeling in tip-top shape. A few situps every morning before you get showered and dressed, say 20 or so, is a great way to keep them toned, primed and ready for action

When you slouch or hunch over (and we're all guilty of this) is not great for your spine OR your digestive system, as it places extra pressure is put on the organs in your abdomen. Practice sitting with your shoulders back and your chin tucked in. And, when out and about, stand up straight too - it elongates your body immediately for a leaner shape, true, but it also helps tighten your inner core.
When you slouch or hunch over (and we're all guilty of this) is not great for your spine OR your digestive system, as it places extra pressure is put on the organs in your abdomen. Practice sitting with your shoulders back and your chin tucked in. And, when out and about, stand up straight too - it elongates your body immediately for a leaner shape, true, but it also helps tighten your inner core

Late night eating is such a big fat no-no. Our bodies slow down in the evening as they get ready to rest and rejuvenate, which means that - when we eat late at night - there aren't enough digestive enzymes to properly digest our food. Try to keep to a food routine wherever possible.
Late night eating is such a big fat no-no. Our bodies slow down in the evening as they get ready to rest and rejuvenate, which means that - when we eat late at night - there aren't enough digestive enzymes to properly digest our food. Try to keep to a food routine wherever possible

Ice cold drinks can slow down the digestive process, stiffening your muscles and not allowing them to function as well as normal. Instead, opt for Warm or room temperature water, juice or decaf at mealtimes to encourage proper digestion.
Ice cold drinks can slow down the digestive process, stiffening your muscles and not allowing them to function as well as normal. Instead, opt for Warm or room temperature water, juice or decaf at mealtimes to encourage proper digestion

Load up your plate with natural colour in the form of fruit and veg - think dark green leafy vegetables, red cabbage, beetroot, carrots and more. They;re high in fibre to help fill you up, but they're not high in calories to fill you out. You want to see more of the bright stuff than the boring beige and brown world of carbs and meat.
Load up your plate with natural colour in the form of fruit and veg - think dark green leafy vegetables, red cabbage, beetroot, carrots and more. They;re high in fibre to help fill you up, but they're not high in calories to fill you out. You want to see more of the bright stuff than the boring beige and brown world of carbs and meat

Mmhmm, yeah, we know - carbs are "bad for you". But, truth be told, they're not at all - if only you pick the right ones. Look for wholegrain carbohydrates when possible (such as oats, quinoa, brown rice and barley) and swap them in for pastas, breads and chips where possible; the more fibre in your grain, the fuller you'll feel at meal time, which will help keep you from overeating. Simple!
Mmhmm, yeah, we know - carbs are "bad for you". But, truth be told, they're not at all - if only you pick the right ones. Look for wholegrain carbohydrates when possible (such as oats, quinoa, brown rice and barley) and swap them in for pastas, breads and chips where possible; the more fibre in your grain, the fuller you'll feel at meal time, which will help keep you from overeating

It's much easier to keep an eye on what you're putting into your body if you're the one putting it in your lunchbox, after all!
It's much easier to keep an eye on what you're putting into your body if you're the one putting it in your lunchbox, after all!

If you deny yourself chocolate or buttered crumpets completely, you'll find yourself bingeing like crazy somewhere along the line. Allowing yourself little treats every now and again is allowed; you're only human, after all. And, sometimes, a chocolate biscuit is all that'll get us through the day! Try breaking off the amount of chocolate or biscuit you want, wrapping the rest up and putting it away before you settle down to eat it - it'll help prevent any awkward "munching your way through the box" moments!
If you deny yourself chocolate or buttered crumpets completely, you'll find yourself bingeing like crazy somewhere along the line. Allowing yourself little treats every now and again is allowed; you're only human, after all

Plating up meals in the kitchen is a good way to control portion size - you're less likely to go back for seconds if the rest of the food is in the kitchen, rather than on the table in front of you!
Plating up meals in the kitchen is a good way to control portion size - you're less likely to go back for seconds if the rest of the food is in the kitchen, rather than on the table in front of you!

Yup, you heard us. Alcohol is one of the biggest culprits in causing weight gain thanks to sugary mixers, carbohydrates and alcohol-induced munchies! Opt for low-carb beers, vodka sodas or a glass of red wine instead of your usual cocktails or alcopop. And why not swap your mixers for watered down, frozen unsweetened fruit juice? Strawberries - with a sprig of fresh mint - will go perfectly with slimline vodka!
Yup, you heard us. Alcohol is one of the biggest culprits in causing weight gain thanks to sugary mixers, carbohydrates and alcohol-induced munchies! Opt for low-carb beers, vodka sodas or a glass of red wine instead of your usual cocktails or alcopop

When we're overtired, we tend to eat more - so make sure you get 7 or 8 hours sleep at night wherever you can. It'll give your body time to rest, to rejuvenate and to get itself back in action - not to mention give you a healthy refreshed glow.
When we're overtired, we tend to eat more - so make sure you get 7 or 8 hours sleep at night wherever you can. It'll give your body time to rest, to rejuvenate and to get itself back in action - not to mention give you a healthy refreshed glow