‘Give your money back then’ Simon Cowell brands Russell Brand a ‘hyprocite’ and mocks calls for revolution

Simon Cowell has mocked Russell Brand’s calls for political revolution, saying the comedian should give up his multi-million pound fortune if he is serious about changing the world.


by Abi Hooper |
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‘Well give your money back then, Russell'

Russell, 38 recently joined a protest with British activist group Anonymous as part of a worldwide protest against austerity cuts and the disadvantages of the current socio-economic system.

54 year-old Simon has claimed Russell is being a hypocrite who has actually greatly benefited from capitalism.

The X Factor boss told a UK men’s magazine: ‘A revolution? He’s getting $10 million a movie. I mean come on!’

‘Well give your money back then, Russell. I always say that about people. Start off as you mean to go on.

'I’m living in a $10 million mansion and I want a revolution? Give me a break'

‘Donate all the money back to the revolution and then I’ll believe it. I’m living in a $10 million mansion and I want a revolution? Give me a break,’ he said.

Simon also stated that despite the criticism the X Factor receives, he is proud of creating the talent show and for his influence on the pop market.

He said: ‘Look everyone’s had a pop at it, and I criticise people on the show so you’ve got to expect it back in return.’

He added: ‘But you know what? They all secretly watch it. They’re all ‘I hate it’ and get really angry, but they are all watching it every night.’

Russell recently faced criticism over announcing his editorship of political publication The New Statesmen.

When Newsnight presenter Jeremy Paxman asked him back in October: ‘Who are you to edit a political magazine?’

Russell replied: ‘Boris [Johnson] used to edit a magazine, didn't he? I'm a person with crazy hair and quite a good sense of humour. Don't know much about politics...I'm ideal.’

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